Disc 2, Track 4 - Racing the Night 3
[SCENE: Sugata is attacking the golems with a high-powered automatic minigun.
After firing every bullet, the minigun spins to a clattering stop.
Sugata: Oh wow. Out of ammo. [She lifts the heavy weapon and then throws it aside.
Grunting, she then reaches into her body's "pocket" and takes out a different
weapon. It is a chainsaw, which she fires up. ]
Okay then. This is all I have left. Don't think you'll mind.
(looking over the ruined golems) I cleaned up this mess pretty well.
[The formed earth of the golems crumbles into bits.]
Harriet: What is this? This is strange. It's strange!
Sugata: (casually walking over) Well then. Things have calmed down so we should be able
to have a good conversation.
Harriet: (panicking) Don't come over here, dummy!
Sugata: (irritated) The one who calls others dummies is a dummy!
Harriet: Just what are you? I couldn't detect that you were hiding anything! But you couldn
pull those weapons out of nowhere!
Sugata: Oh, well - my body has a pocket. If I tried to explain, you wouldn't get it. But I
can store a lot of things inside it, which while convenient, causes my weight
to rise, which is of concern to a maiden.
Harriet: You're not human. All the people of the Church are . . .
Sugata: You just say whatever you want, huh? But enough about me. Let's have a chat. What
is your group's objective? You're working for some boss giving you orders, right?
Who is it? The one who gave Sarashina Serena that familiar?
Harriet: (teary) I won't talk! There's no way I could! No way!
Sugata: Ah, is that right? (picks Harriet up, tosses her to the ground, then revs up the chainsaw)
Then you can die.
Harriet: (winces)[Marie flies into the area and delivers a powerful strike to Sugata, sending her
flying. Sugata wails in pain.]
Sugata: (mumbles something unintelligible)
Marie: My lady. Are you injured?
Harriet: Marie! What are you doing? I didn't ask you to save me!
Marie: Look at how dirty you are. You'll need to get cleaned up when we return. Now please, hold onto me.
Harriet: Wait! Hold up! I have to deliver the killing blow to this Executor!
Marie: There's nothing to worry about. You'll just have to take her head the next time you meet her.
[Marie jumps away, with Harriet holding onto her. ]
Harriet: I'll remember this! There's no way I'll forget! I'll absolutely kill youuuu!
Sugata: (sitting up, painfully) Ow. Ow ow ow ow! Man, that sucked. Thanks for that!
Hibino (Triten): (walks to Sugata) Are you all right?
Sugata: Do I look all right? C'mon, gimme a hand. (With some assistance from Hibino [Triten] and groaning
from the effort, Sugata manages to rise.) Man oh man. I am in the red this time. My target
got away from the scene and I got covered in wounds!
Hibino (Triten): I'm very sorry. It seems like I've caused you more trouble.
Sugata: Don't say dumb things. The other side is an enemy of the Church, and while they are, dealing with
them is part of my job.
Hibino (Triten): I see. That seems hard.
Sugata: By the way, and I mentioned this before, my primary task was to dispose of you lot. Do you
really understand that?
Hibino (Triten): I guess now that you mention it . . .
Sugata: (laughs) That's why being around you is never boring!
[SCENE: in an area far away, a stately grandfather clock marks the time in its mechanical way.
A teacup meets its saucer with an audible clink. ]
Lorenz: Oh, this is not good. After all that tuning you went in with everything you had.
Harriet: (grunts in frustration)
Lorenz: Let's hear an apology.
Harriet: I am sorry.
Lorenz: I told you not to lay a hand on them many times. What would you have done if you were injured?
Harriet: But - but she's an Executor! Papa, don't you want revenge for what happened?
Lorenz: Harriet, it's time for you to stop calling me your papa. The time will come for you to stand
alone as a mage. And I can't replace your father.
Harriet: (audibly upset)
Lorenz: But there's nothing to worry about. The time will come when everyhing works out. The Executor.
And that holy text. And after that -
Harriet: That's enough! (runs off, opens the door) Dummy, dummy! Papa's a dummy! (slams the door)
Lorenz: (clicks tongue) I made her mad again. It's hard dealing with girls of that age. I should
have put her in a school with students close to her in age so that she could make friends.
Marie: The young lady has been able to make friends at the school she is currently attending.
Lorenz: Oh, is that right? Looks like I was worrying for nothing.
Marie: And mixed in among them is the Triten, not to mention the Executor.
Lorenz: That is troublesome! But setting that aside, you came into contact with the Scripture. Did you
get anything for your efforts?
Marie: I was able to make sure.
Lorenz: Make sure? Of what?
Marie: Without a doubt, she's the original. And she's the one I can line up next to. That's the truth.
Lorenz: I see. That is very interesting. We began from the same site he did. We followed the same paths.
He came to the same conclusion that we did. And you showed that we were correct. There's
no other answer that could be gleaned. But, in the process of delivering that conclusion,
[grabs her and shoves her down] you supplied Harriet with Mana to help her Bounded Field.
And as I deduced, things got heated. You've burned through almost all of the Mana
you use to keep moving that body. [Marie struggles]
Fakes are still fakes in the end. Though you may deny it, you can't replace the original.
In any case, take it easy for a bit. You should get plenty of rest and use the time to
charge up. I'll contact the school for you. (walks away, opens the door, and leaves)