Disc 1, Track 3 - Sugar and Plastic
[SCENE: Kagamisaki High School. Cicadas chirp in the backgrond while the chime for lunch break sounds.]
Katsuragi: [walking to destination] Now that I think on it, I won't be able to get any naps.
I must be out of my mind.
Hibino: (humming happily) The rooftop yesterday didn't have any good locations, but we're going to the courtyard
today. Shade from the trees will keep us nice and cool. [The two begin walking to the location.
Katsuragi: Summer break . . . summer break . . . To begin with, what am I supposed to do during summer break other
than just lie about?
Hibino: Chika-chan?
Katsuragi: (surprised) That's right. We should get a press machine at the cafe so we can always dispose of Keitai.
[We hear the sound of the imagined machine, along with Keitai's groan of pain.]
Hibino: On a peaceful afternoon like this, you're thinking of a plan to kill Keitai-san!?
Katsuragi: (laughs nervously) More importantly than that, Hibiki.
Hibino: What is it?
Katsuragi: It's that! Summer vacation is coming up!
Harriet: [charging toward them] Whooaaargh! You two! Stop right there!
Hibino: Whuueee.
Katsuragi: What the heck. It's the little kid from yesterday.
Harriet: Don't call me a little kid when your head looks like a piece of broccoli!
Katsuragi: Hey, wait up. I do not have an afro so enough of that.
Hibino: (giggles cheerfully) Good afternoon! You're called Harriet-chan, right?
Harriet: Why do you know my name? Did you finish researching me in under one day? No way!
Katsuragi: It seems that you're pretty famous. "A foreigner with maids tagging along that
enrolled here thinking it was an elementary school." "With her two maids lined up,
she looks like a captured alien."
Harriet: Am I a monkey on display? Grrrrrrnnrr! I let you off easy yesterday! But if you're determined
to interfere on this peaceful day, I-
Marie: [appears] My lady. [grabs Harriet and puts her in a choke hold.]
Harriet: Ahg ag ahr ah ag!
Marie: I've asked you not to cause a ruckus at school like that.
Harriet: [creaking of bones] Stop! Stop! It's creaking inside! My bones are creaking!
Marie: I haven't introduced myself yet. My apologies. I am called Marie. I'm but an ordinary maid
who has been tasked with giving My Lady an education. [throws Harriet]
Harriet: [lands with a thud] Ow.
Hibino: Ah! [rushes over to Marie]
Marie: Hmm? What is it?
Hibino: Moe! Moe! Bakyuun! (TL Note: It's supposed to be Moe Moe Kyun)
Marie: What in the world is that?
Katsuragi: I told you that wasn't it! [hits Hibino on the head]
Hibino: Ow!
Harriet: Nnnngah! Nothing's going right! In any case, I went to the [stammers] boatyard (TL: she meant
courtyard) ahead of you! It's my encampment! Any latecomers can clear the heck out!
Katsuragi: You're really an elementary schooler, aren't you! We can use the area too; we'll just sit farther
away. No problem, right?
Harriet: (childish voice) No way jose! Please immediately depart from my sight!
Hibino: Hey, Haru-chan. Are you going to have lunch now?
Harriet: Haru-chan? You're acting really friendly. Yeah, we'll eat here. So what?
Hibino: (giggles) Ta-dah! [presents a huge boxed lunch] We came here to eat this.
Harriet: Okay. And?
Hibino: [grabs Harriet and Katsuragi] So let's all have lunch together!
Katsuragi: Whoa!
Harriet: What the heck are you doing? Lemme go! Let me gooooo!
Hibino: [dragging them away] That spot under a tree looks good. Here we go!
Harriet: (distant) Listen to what people are saying!
Hibino: [pouring tea from a thermos] Here you are, Chika-chan.
Katsuragi: [accepting it] Hmm.
Harriet: We can't just share this space!
Katsuragi: Well, if you don't want to eat with us you can just leave.
Harriet: (angry growling) Mmr mrrr mhrrm mm.
Hibino: Here you are, Haru-chan. It's been thoroughly chilled so it's tasty.
Harriet: (tries it but doesn't want to let on that she likes it) Hmmph!
Marie! Bring out our boxed lunch.
Marie: Is that acceptable?
Harriet: There's nothing else we can do. If I leave now, I'll feel like I lost.
The other side started it so we have to play along to the end.
Marie: Very well. [takes out large boxed lunch] Here it is.
Harriet: Those sandwiches? Again?
Hibino: Is Haru-chan one of those people that don't like sandwiches?
Katsuragi: You won't grow if you're picky about food.
Harriet: Shut it! [bites into it] The stuff that Marie makes always tastes like plastic.
Marie: Please accept my humble apology.
Hibino: Hmm! Excuse me! (snatches the sandwich)
Harriet: Hey! Give it back! Dummy! Gimme back my sandwichhhh!
Hibino: [bites into it]
Harriet: Aaaaah!
Hibino: [chews on it, then swallows it] It's all right! It tastes fine.
Harriet: Why're you eating other people's food? Give it back! Give it back to this position!
Hibino: Here's what I'll give in return! Say "Aaaaah!" [she forces Harriet to eat some okonomiyaki]
Harriet: [resists, but then finds the dish to be delicious] (contently) Mhaaaaaaaah~.
Hibino: Chika-chan likes the okonomiyaki to be really sweet, so I fixed it that way for her.
If you like it, how about another piece?
Harriet: (quiet) I'll have some.
Hibino: And the hamburg steak here has cheese inside it! But does Haru-chan hate cheese?
Is it okay?
Harriet: There's no problem.
Hibino: And for today's dessert there's black tea jelly. It's still a little stiff, but if you wait . . .
Harriet: I'll have some. (munch) I'll have some!
Katsuragi: She's been corrupted.
Marie: How shameful you are, My Lady.
[The plastic lids are replaced on top of the boxes.
Harriet: (lying down) I'm so full. I can't eat any more.
Hibino: Sleeping so soon after eating is a waste. And you have some food stuck to your mouth. [Hibino wipes
Harriet's face. Harriet moans absentmindedly. She sleeps for a bit longer and then snaps awake.]
Harriet: What are you making me dooo!? Are you dumb!? Are you dumb!?
Katsuragi: What's the fuss? Finally back to the land of wakefulness?
Harriet: Rnng. I let down my guard. No, I didn't. I'll tell you: I went along with this because
you invited me. Um. I wanted some of the materials you had so-
Hibino: So let's have lunch again together!
Harriet: Don't get the wrong idea! [she runs away, her voice getting fainter as she gets farther
away] Stuuuupiiiiiiiid!
Hibino: Ah hah. Shall we head on back? Mari-san, thank you for sharing your bento. It was tasty.
Marie: Your name is Hibino-san, right? Thank you very much.
Hibino: Hmm?
Marie: It was kind of you to praise my lunch.
Hibino: (laughs) It's hard to make enough food for two people every day, isn't it?
Katsuragi: I'm sorry for not eating.
Marie: Unfortunately, the young mistress does not favor my cooking.
Hibino: Then it's time for a crash course! If you're okay with it, I'd be glad to help you
any time! Though I'm still learning myself.
Marie: Learning through study . . . You already realized, didn't you?
Hibino: Huh?
Marie: And even though you know, you want to try cooking with me?
Hibino: (laughs) This kind of situation is interesting.
Marie: Excuse me. [walks away]
Katsuragi: [stands up] She talked a lot, but ended up eating. What's this about cooking?
Hibino: (realizing something) Whaaaaaaa!
Katsuragi: What is it?
Hibino: Right before she left, Marie said something. What was that about?
Katsuragi: Oh, it doesn't matter anymore. I don't feel like it.
Hibino: Hmm? [pulls on Katsuragi's cheek] You're being distant. You don't have to
hold back now.
Katsuragi: What are you talking about? It's not a big deal. Though if you think about it carefully,
it's a big worry.
Hibino: Chika-chan! In front! In front of you!
Katsuragi: Hmm? [she walks into a tree]
Hibino: You were so careless!
Katsuragi: [rubbing her head, dusting herself off] Owww owww oww. W-what the hecccckkkkk!
[The tree creaks, leaves fall off, and then Sugao falls from the tree onto the ground,
striking Katsuragi in the process]
Hibino: Sunao-chan. Why'd you come falling from the tree?
Sugata: Well, you see, it's like this. I remembered the wild. [collapses]
Katsuragi: [exasperated, angry noises]