This is a translation/summary for the Lucky Star Drama CD - Summer, ComiFes, Lucky Star. 
 If you enjoy this, I strongly encourage you to buy the CD for yourself, which you can do
via here. 

I have long been a fan of Matsuki Miyu and her work. One of the main points of focus 
for this site is TYPE-MOON and their projects. Matsuki Miyu provided the voice of Hisui (Melty Blood) 
and Sapphire (Fate Kaleid Prisma Illya), and her passing has affected us all deeply. I want to translate 
something she's done that hasn't received much attention in the west. This will serve as a tribute 
to her and as something I can give back to her fans. 

As usual: this translation is  copyright 2015 by .  
Feel free to link to it on your site, but don't host it there.  
If you look down, you'll see an embedded youtube video and a script for it underneath 
the video. To use this translation, start the youtube video and then use the scroll bar 
on the right of the script to scroll down as necessary. As more parts of the cd are 
translated, different links will open to the other sections. If you want to see other
translations, there's a link at the bottom you can click on to see the main
section for those. 

I keep in honorifics and use Japanese name order in my work. From what I can tell
so far, this story exists outside of the Lucky Star "Prime Universe" timeline seen in 
the anime. Some of the events of the "Prime Universe" happen here, but in different
ways. TL Note: Patty (Patricia Martin) occasionally uses words in English in her dialogue.
I've marked these with italics. 


   Izumi Konata -  Hirohashi Ryouō
    Hiiragi Tsukasa - Nakahara Mai 
    Hiiragi Kagami - Koshimizu Ami 
    Takara Miyuki - Nakayama Erina 
    Kuroi Nanako  - Asano Masumi 
    Narumi Yui  -    Saito Chiwa 
    Kobayakawa Yutaka  - Shimizu Ai 
    Iwasaki Minami  - Matsuki Miyu 
    Patricia Martin   - Yukino Satsuki 
    Station staff - Kawahara Motoyuki 
    Event staff - Miyamoto Katsuya 

This is Part 12. Here are links to the other parts:
[01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] [09] [10] [11] [12]


 [Scene: The recording studio.]
 Hirohashi Ryou: And with that, we're done recording the Drama CD. Thanks for your hard work, 
 (Everyone cheers and applauds.)
 Hirohashi Ryou: I am Hirohashi Ryou, and I played the part of Izumi Konata. 
 It was a very lucky thing! The dog I have at my house is named Lucky. 
 Actually, the dog's named Cookie. You'd think he was named Lucky, but 
 the dog's named Cookie, and the dog's really sweet. I guess that's not really lucky.
 Okay, I'm done. Next person. 
 Koshimizu Ami: Everyone, thanks for your hard work! (the room echoes back.) 
 I had the part of Hiiragi Kagami, and I'm Koshimizu Ami. One lucky thing that
 happened recently was a watering can hitting the head of okay goodbye!
 Nakahara Mai: Hello. I play the part of Tsukasa. I'm Nakahara Mai. My lucky thing was
 . . . umm . . . that I played the part of Tsukasa. Normally I play characters that
 talk really fast. Tsukasa speaks in a very simple way. This is the first time for me
 to do something fun like this. It made me want to work even harder. It was really
 fun. Thank you. But as far as a lucky thing, my dad went on a business trip
 to Hokkaido. He was able to get Yubari melon.
 and sent that to me. That was fun. Thank you. 
 Nakayama Erina: I am Nakayama Erina and I played Takara Miyuki. I can't think of a lucky thing but
 an unlucky thing comes to mind. I was trying to get on a train and I was about thirty seconds late.
 I ended up having to wait an extra ten minutes. (Everyone else gasps in alarm and distress.)
 Here's a bit of lucky news. In my neighborhood's shopping street, they held a lottery. 
 I got third prize. I was really happy, but it was dehydrated food. I ended up sending it home. 
 I covered postage. 
 Saito Chiwa: This is radio for Yui! I'm Saito Chiwa, and I played Narumi Yui! I didn't say
 what my lucky thing was (because I didn't remember), but my not saying it 
 was unlucky. I don't remember it. How unlucky. Thanks for all your hard work. 
 Shimizu Ai: I played Kobayakawa Yutaka. I'm Shimizu Ai. I'll fire off my answers in quick succession.
 The unlucky thing is, when I first went into a salon I asked them to only my bangs. 
 Then an incompetent trainee came along and I had a huge shock. I told her not to 
 bother and that I'd cut my hair at home. I left and along the way home, I stopped at a
 different place and had them repair the damage. That was also the lucky thing because
 I was able to get that done just as it was time for them to close. Thanks for all your hard work.
 Matsuki Miyu: Thanks, everybody. I play Iwasaki Minami. I'm Matsuki Miyu. I do have a lucky story
 to share with all of you. I went to a bento place and found some onigiri that were still warm. 
 I had a feast. (everyone laughs) 
 Yukino Satsuki: I am Yukino Satsuki, and I play Patricia Martin. I spent three days moving. It didn't rain 
 on any of those three days, and I got to do the move in sunny weather. That was lucky. But it
 was also too hot, so it was also unlucky. 
 Hirohashi Ryou: And that was everyone from Lucky Star!  Thank you so much! 
 Everyone: Thank you so much! (applause)

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go back to the translations main section.