R'lyeh Vacation English Translation
The cover image of The Konosubarashi Sekai ni Shufuku O TRPG. TRPGs (tabletop roleplaying games) have managed to attract a following in Japan, but only in recent years (thanks to the efforts of Evan Cluney, among others) have we begun to truly experience what kinds of TRPGs and gaming fun Japan has developed. I hope to increase the amount of available material with this, my translation of the tabletop roleplaying game for Konosuba.

This is a solo project but if you want to help out, you could
buy me a ko-fi or make a paypal donation. Any funds obtained will go to site upkeep and obtaining more materials to translate.
Your kind support helps make this possible.

The world that Kazuma went to is called the subarashii sekai but I'm going to translate that as the Wonderful World in this text.

It's the same world that Kazuma and Aqua went to. 
And Megumi and Darkness are there too. In the Wonderful World,
adventures wait for you. Make your own original character and
play games in a world with swords and magic. And defeat the 
Demon King. 

On the next pages are illustrations of sample characters.   
You can use these and the data for them to start play right away. 



Table of Contents 

staff List007
How to Read the Text008
Replay Section009
Replay: Good Luck
to the First Adventure
Character Section085
First Off086
Preparing a Character094
Quick Start098
Sample Character:
Reincarnated Adventurer
Sample Character:
Soldier of Large Swords
Sample Character:
Red Wizard
Sample Character:
Priest of Love
Sample Character:
Thief, Searcher of
Setting Personal Data110
Reincarnated Adventurer
Creation: Native of
the Wonderful World
Crimson Demon Clan
Circumstances and
Skill Data121
Reincarnated Adventurer126
Elemental Master159
Heavy Swordsman161
Rune Knight164
General Skills165
General Skills
(Elementary Magic)
Item Data180
Personal Accesories192
Cheat Rules196
Rule Section203
Rules for Judging
Session Flow209
Battle Rules221
Blessing Rules239
Character Growth244
World Section249
The First Time you
Reincarnated in a
Different World
The Many Strange Things
of the Wonderful World
This Wonderful World260
Game Master Section263
The Heart of the
Game Master
Quest Data270
Enemy Rules274
Enemy Skill276
Enemy Data280
Traps and Objects290
Trap Data293
Object Data295
Scenario Section297
Scenario: [The
Deliciousness of these
Bamboo Shoots]
Ability Basic Values312
Class Revisions:
Basic Classes
Class Revisions:
Advanced Classes
A Summary of
the Konosuba TRPG
Character Sheet314
Record Sheet316
Session Sheet317
Record SheetBack Cover
Character SheetOther Side of
the Cover
====================================== HOW TO READ THIS BOOK This is a TRPG set in the Wonderful World of the Konosuba books. I think after seven sessions you'll have it down pat. >> Replay Section This contains an account of people playing the Konosuba TRPG that has been converted into text. Reading it will help you understand what kind of game the Konosuba TRPG is. >> Character Section This presents rules detailing how to make a character and the data that is part of it. >> Rule Section This shows the various rules that are necessary to play the Konosuba TRPG. >> Gamemaster Section This is meant for GMs. It contains details on obstacles the players will encounter, such as enemies and traps. >> Scenario Section There are scenarios for the Konosuba TRPG. This section is for the GM only. Players should not read it. >> Appendix These are sheets you'll need during play. They appear in the index. >> Expressions in Writing This book uses he and they. This is for purposes of readability, and should not be taken as support for any kind of discrimination. ====================================== Hello, everyone. I hope to get along with everyone that I'm meeting here for the first time, and it's been a while for those of you that already know me. I am Ouhata Akira, the designer for this book. I'm writing this from a KADOKAWA office in Tokyo. Why? To write down the record for this replay, of course. Reading a replay allows you to get an overall feel for a game. And so we have included one of those in the Konosuba TRPG. Not everyone will have seen or needs to see the original novels, as Konosuba has a manga, an anime, and videogames. In addition to this, you also get to play with this book! I'm a little nervous. I just need to open this door and say, "Please regard me favorably." "Oh wow, it's Ouhata-sensei!" "Who would have thought I'd meet Ouhata himself!?" But in truth I already knew this bunch. They were my gaming comrades! We had played Arianrhod together. "I always read your replays!" What was that? "I love the part when Bennet didn't put on the armor!" Bennet was a character that appeared when we were playing the Arianhrod TPRG. If you want to know, a search on the internet will unveil electronic books you can peruse. Setting that aside, I guess I'm getting a bit distracted (lol). Let's get on with introducing the players for this. Buri / Kiba He was in the great work VRRMO: The power of money is matchless. He was in charg of the manga for Grand Jury ( Yosakura Ale). Nagatsuki Tatsupei The author for Re: Zero. Mikamiteren Author of The Tales of Brave Isagi the Demon Lord and Otome Volleyball. There's a library just for Mikamiteren's stuff. Ouhata And since I'm here, I might as well make an introduction for myself. I handled the game design for the Foreigner in the Town of Swords TRPG. I was also responsible for the data of many other TPRgs. Most of my replays were for the Arianhrod TPRG. And now the gang's all here. ====================================== Today's Notice Here are the adventurers who'll participate in the adventure. The Guild posted a Quest offer for [Giant Toad Extermination]. There's some sort of secret plot behind the quest. What awaits them once they go beyond the quest? Good luck to the ones playing the Konosuba TRPG! GM: That concludes my introduction for the quest. Everyone: Phew! Akatsugi: Giant Toad extermination, eh? GM: Yes. And it'll be the first adventure for your characters. So please form the party and we'll get this show on the road. Mikami: Roger that. Nagatsuki: I already checked out the data. That's the same as having obtained it all. Buri/ Kiba: It's like he said. GM: Fantastic, just like a gamer. (lol) ====================================== Making Characters GM: Making characters for the Konosuba TRPG should not be difficult. Either use the pre-made ones or freely input data to make your own setup. If you're pressed for time I recommend using the premade ones. If you have plenty of time, build your own. Akatsugi: I want to make my own! (lol) ----------------------------------------------- [Making Characters] (page 13) Here's where I explain how to make characters for the Konosuba TRPG. >> Determining Race You must choose what race your character is a member of. These include Reincarnated Adventurers, Natives of the Wonderful World, and Three Kinds of the Crimson Demon Tribe. >> Basic Valuation of Abilities After choosing Race, establish your Basic Attributes. >> Bonus Points Assign five Bonus Points. Divide between three Characteristics (round down fractions). >> Select a Class Pick one of the 12 Classes. >> Select Skills Please choose skills the character is specialized in. >> Racial Skills Please choose skills for the character's race, writing down [Timing / Maiking . >> Class Skills You get five levels of skill points to spend. You can not raise a skill above two levels with this during character generation. >> Establishing Statistics Race, Class, and Skills determine derived values. >> Determing Starting Gear Each character starts with 500,000 Ellis. Weapons, Armor, and Daggers are essential. >> Derived Statistics After choosing your Statistics and equipment, you'll need to determine your Derived Statistics. Derived Statistics are often used on the battlefield. Maximum HP (or Life) This value is equal to your STR plus Class bonus plus any bonuses from Skills. Maximum MP (or Magic) This value is equal to your Spirit Statistic plus Class bonus plus any bonuses from Skills. Strike Rank This value is equal to your Agility plus Perception plus any bonuses from equipment or Skills. Movement This is equal to your Strength plus 5 plus any bonuses from equipment or skills. Blessing This attribute reflects your destiny, or how much fate is supporting you. As heroes of the story, PCs always have a Blessing statistic. PCs get five points to put into Blessing when they make their characters. >> Determining Personal Data You'll need to choose your name, age, sex, past, and adventuring goal, among other things. >> Lifepath You can use this to determine the character's past. His place of birth, goals, circumstances, etc. can be determined through RoC (Roll or choice). Birthplace: Describes where the character was born. Circumstances: Describes the character's situation in life. Goals: What does the character aim to do? >> Name, Sex, and Age The player is free to determine these. ----------------------------------------------- Buri: We get all this data, it's only natural for me to want to use it! Nakatsugi: Of course. It's only natural. Our dream of playing the Konosuba TRPG finally came true. GM: Fine, then. Get to building them. Buri: Will do. GM: And so they built characters while looking through the sections for skills, classes, etc. All the steps involved are on page 13. >> The Good Points of Cheats GM: Okay, let's see what you have. Buri: As in confirmation? GM: We're here to recreate Konosuba in tabletop form. Clearly I'm going to use this data. Everyone: Wow! GM: And in fact, this game has rules for selection. Buri: What do you mean by selection? GM: As in the original work, this game has rules for Cheats. Everyone: Cheats!? Nakatsugi: Like the reincarnated fellow who had knowledeg of the modern world, and could resurrect when killed? GM: Even so. And the "Return to Death" Cheat already has data. Nakatsugi: I want to use that one right away. That's also a Cheat that the protagonist from Re:Zero has. It's the name of his gift. GM: However, don't forget about play balance breaker. Mikami: What's the balance play breaker? GM: Well, Cheats are special skills, and PCs reinforcing themselves with those or powerful items will attract certain enemies . . . which could cause a party wipe. Buri: Oh. I see. Mikami: What about this balance play breaker? GM: Well, to add helpful stuff like you see in Konosuba means that you must also take personal responsibility. Buri: I'll take it. GM: All right. You can choose for yourselves, then. >> Introduction of Characters Some time after that, the players finished making the Player Characters. The GM went around the table and had each player introduce the character he made. GM: We'll start off with Buri-sensei's character. Buri/Gilbert: Yes, my character is named Kyron Heat Gilbert. He's a priest affiliated with the Axis Sect, and he is a native human to this world. GM: Oh, you made a native. Lv. 1 Race: Human (Native) Class: Priest Origin: Secret Agent Special Circumstance(s): Close Friend Goal: The Demon King Cheat: Force of the Villain Comments: A priest native to this world. While he comes from a noble family he is also a priest of Aqua in the Axis Sect. That causes friction with the largest religious organization, the Church of Eris. He was the sixth son of a noble house, and he infiltrated the Church of Eris. He is adventuring to defeat the organization. GM: So I guess you have made an enemy of the world's largest religious organization. Buri/Gilbert: I took the Close Friend Circumstance, so someone in the party is going to be my Close Friend. GM: That's fine. We'll have you choose who in the party is your Close Friend after we finish character introductions. Buri/Gilbert: My Goal is The Demon King, but when I stopped the Church of Eris' emergency rice feeding, I received a revelation. Mikami: The Church of Eris hasn't done anything really bad, right? Buri/Gilbert: I believe it's bad, and I do what I can to create a bad reputation for the group. I also follow the revelation I received and am on adventure to defeat the Demon King. Mikami: What did you pick for your Cheat? Buri/Gilbert: I chose [Force of the Villain]. I can make a really scary face. (lol) GM: If he makes that scary face, during one time in the scenario he can turn an NPC's roll into a fumble. Akatsugi: That's pretty powerful. GM: As a side effect, most people avoid him and it costs him twice as much money to buy items. Nakatsuki: The merchants won't sell stuff to you! (lol) Buri/Gilbert: Although I have the Close Friend Cirumstance, I don't really have any close friends. GM: Okay, I get it. And now we get to Buri/Kiba-sensei's character. Buri/Kiba: Yes, my character was reincarnated in this reality. She's originally from modern day Japan. She's 17 years old. She took the Adventurer class. GM: That certainly makes it easier for the reader to understand. Buri/Kiba: Her name is Chiho. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: And it's neat being able to take Skills from other Classes. Nakatsugi: That is appealing. Buri/Gilbert: But I bet it's expensive (lol). GM: Adventurers have Blessing Increase, which means in addition to the Skills they already have, they get one extra point in Blessing. Everyone: Wow. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: She used to be a shut-in, so sometimes she'll watch movies with her smartphone while walking. That is in fact how she ended up in this world. She got hit by a truck while not paying attention. You might think of her origin as linkted to "movies". GM: It's not good to look at a smartphone while walking! (lol) Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I meant to remind people of how the goddess Aqua ended up in the Wonderful World. I got bonuses to my Strength and Constitution. I'm much healthier than I was back on Earth. Buri/Gilbert: It sounds like Aqua. (lol) Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: My Cheat is [Divine Item: Weapon]. I got it from Aqua on the way over here. It's the gigantic sword called Clarent. Clarent is a Great Sword, but I also got a Quest with it: Defeat the Demon King. Nakatsugi: Though you became strong, it seems like Aqua asked you to do something crazy. Lv. 1 Race: Reincarnated Human Class: Adventurer Origin: Movies Circumstance: Sickness Goal: Quest Cheat: Divine Item: Weapon Comments: A person that reincarnated into the Wonderful World after being hit by a truck. She was originally quite weak, but was blessed by the goddess Aqua and received a magic sword on top of that. She's healthy now and active as an adventurer. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Normally you wouldn't think she was that reckless. But wherever she goes, she has Clarent on her back, safely secured. GM: Because your Demerit is "if you don't carry the Divine Weapon, you are at -2D6 to all your rolls." Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: So it's always close by. I have lots of Skills from other Classes, so I hope to show off the strengths of the Adventurer Class in our game. GM: Great, thanks. Nakatsugi, let's hear about your PC. Nakatsugi: The name is Ote-arai Otohime-kun. GM: Kun? Nakatsugi/Otohime: I am a reincarnated character, and my Class is Warrior. I am 19 years old and a male. My parents liked the name "oto" for me, so some other parts were added later. GM: Okay. That's your character's name. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Despite the name, my character is rather attractive. For his parents, the name serves as a good example of what not to do. He learned to be careful, and often says things like "it might be the case that ..." Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: May parents choose safe names for their children. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I chose Truck as my reason for reincarnating. He normally was very careful, but one day he came across a girl staring at her smartphone while walking around. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: My character Suzuki!? Nakatsugi/Otohime: Is it okay? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Sure! Lv. 1 Race: Reincarnated Human Class: Warrior Origin: Truck Circumstance: Secret of the Goddess Goal: None Cheat: Return to Death Comments: He's mostly very careful. One day, he tried to save a girl who was walking without paying attention to her surroundings, focusing instead on her smartphone. That girl was Chio, and he ended up getting hit by a truck. He does not want to die. Nakatsugi/Otohime: That was the only time I'd done anything impulsive. I died, so that was quite a trauma. GM: Dying even once is enough. Nakatsugi/Otohime: My Circumstance is Secret of the Goddess. From the goddess Aqua, I acquired the Cheat [Return to Death]. But I don't want to die! As a Demerit, when I use it I lose one point of Blessing. Buri/Gilbert: For the author of Re;Zero to not want to die and come back to life ... (lol) GM: Okay, I get it. He can come back to life if he dies, but he doesn't want to die. Nakatsugi/Otohime: He doesn't have a goal. He just does not want to die. GM: I can tell. Okay, next person. Mikami-sensei, please introduce your character. Mikami: I (TL Note: he uses an archaic pronoun in Japanese) am Temiren! I am of the Crimson Demon Clan! I am a daughter working for the family witht he greatest public bath! Buri/Gilbert: A Crimson Demon Clan member! Temiren? (lol) Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: It sounds like a name I've heard before. Mikami/Temiren: The Class I chose is Wizard, and I'm a 16 year old girl. My Outer Self is Mage and while I was studying the wizarding ways, I set my sights on becoming an Arch Wizard. GM: Hmm. Mikami/Temiren: I was tired of the same old, same old days as a Crimson Demon Clan member. Then I came across shoujo manga. GM: Shoujo manga? Mikami/Temiren: My Circumstance is Dividing Time Between Work and Intellectual Pursuits. I got hooked on shoujo manga and look up to some of the characters (lol). Nakatsugi/Otohime: Instead of dealing with the boring same-old, same-old routine, you got excited by reading shoujo manga. Mikami/Temiren: I love the part where the girl first comes across the young man with the bad look in his eyes (everyone laughs). Buri/Gilbert: I understand. Mikami/Temiren: So if a man suddenly shows up with a bad look in his eyes, he's not bad. That's the common sense of shoujo manga. GM: Yes, there are some titles like that. Mikami/Temiren: Since we have the chance, it'd be good to invite Gilbert over and go on an adventure. Buri/Gilbert: Sure, let's go with that setup. Mikami/Temiren: My Goal is Friendship. Whether that Friendship can turn into love is yet to be seen. Buri/Gilbert: Yes, that is very much like shoujo manga (lol). Mikami/Temiren: My Cheat is [Destruction Magic]. I'm specialized in directing magic to cause destruction. In a scenario, one time, I can boost my damage caused by 10D6. Buri/Gilbert: What amazing power! Lv. 1 Race: Crimson Demon Clan Class: Wizard Origin: Mage Circumstance: Balance between Work and Intellectual Pursuits Goal: Friendship Cheat: Destruction Magic Comments: A girl of the Crimson Demon Clan. It seems that she works with her family to run a hot spring establishment. As a result of devoting her time between work and personal study, she came across shoujo manga, and has become interested in it. She believes that Gilbert, with his scary expressions, might be her prince. Mikami/Temiren: And in exchange, when I attack using magic the MP cost is doubled. GM: Thanks. Now that everyone's character intro is done, let's move on to the next part. We need to establish your lifestyle. Nakatsugi/Otohime: What's that? GM: The living standard you have. There are also rules to determine how much it costs as well. Mikami/Temiren: What if we all roomed together? Wouldn't that lower the cost? GM: Fraid not (lol). Mikami/Temiren: Aww. I thought if I had Chiho and O-kun over it'd be cheaper. GM: Sorry, but it won't reduce the cost of maintaining it. (lol) The rules take into consideration the type of place you're living in, from a noble lord's estate all the way down to living in stables. In addition, these things help determine the speed at which you regain HP and MP over time. Mikami/Temiren: I will insist that Gil reserves Suite rooms for us. (lol) Buri/Gilbert: If I may speak my mind, I want to stay in a Royal. There's a saying in the Axis Sect, "Think about tomorrow when tomorrow comes." GM: Now that's transitory and ephemeral! (lol) Mikami/Temiren: Anything short of committing crimes is okay. Buri/Gilbert: Having said that, I did receive a revelation. For me to act in a way that defies acheiving it it would be ... Mikami/Temiren: Very well, we'll get an economy class room. Lovely! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I'll stay in economy also. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I'm fine with a frugal lifestyle. It could help to keep down expenses. GM: Now that we have determined that, we will go on to the next section. We've had you make characters and determine their lifestyles, so we'll go on to party formation next. And to discuss how your characters met each other. Mikami/Temiren: I already knew Gil. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I arrived in this place with Otohime. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I might have been a little reluctant to go with Chiho. She might have been pulling me along. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: And along the way, we might have come across Gilbert since we all want to defeat the Demon King. Since we were sent to this world by Aqua-sama, it wouldn't take long for us to befriend a priest from the religion that worships her. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Perhaps Aqua even told us to work together with him. She might even be in this area (laughs). [GM Notes: There's been some time since Kazuma reincarnated in this world. It is in fact possible they might encounter Aqua herself.] Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Anyone, since we have to live in this world, we ought to get some money. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Indeed. Let's go with a quick and easy way to get money, like hard manual labor. Buri/Gilbert: I'll help out with that. Mikami/Temiren: That hard look in his eyes . . . he might be my destined person! (lol) Buri/Gilbert: Temiren . . . that's a name that's hard to understand. She's with the Crimson Demon Clan, the group with the weirdest setting details. Everyone else: Aren't you talking about yourself?! GM: He's the person who came up with that, so he can't see how strange it is. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: In any case, here are some materials I made for Suzuki and the others. How is this? GM: Oh, it's fine. We have settled how the party is formed, so I should look over some parts for the GMs. I'll prepare a little bit and then we'll have the opening phase. ====================================== Opening Phase Opening I : The Request, Frog Elimination Note: The group assembled at the city for novice adventurers, the place known as Axel. This was the place the four would meet before they went on an adventure. GM: Okay, here's the opening phase. You guys have gathered at the adventurers' guild. Here's the scene where you get an offer. We can start from there. Everyone else: Hai-! GM: You already have the basics down pat. It's only natural for your eyes to come to the board where requests are posted. Buri/Gilbert: It's part of our daily routine. Nakatsugi/Otohime: First, I run over to the quest board and exclude any quests that'd make us go into dungeons. They're dangerous, and I don't want to go to one! (lol) Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Hold on just a minute. Buri/Gilbert: Aren't there any requests that'd be good for a level one party like ourselves? GM: You look over the board and find one that looks suitable. Nakatsugi/Otohime: All right, I guess we have no choice but to take this one. It's probably a safe quest that won't set an adventurer's soul ablaze. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: It's a quest that doesn't bring joy. GM: Anyway, here's the Quest Data.

Hunt Giant Toads!
Type: Elimination
Deadline: Three Days
Reward: 100,000 Eris per Giant Toad Eliminated
Special Requirements: None
Special Benefits/Effects: None
Giant Toads have come down from the mountain. They are coming onto farmland and pastures and eating farm animals. Your objective is to find four Giant Toads and eliminate them before the deadline.

Note: Eris is the currency used in the world of Konosuba, and shares its title with the goddess of the same name. The currency's coinage is minted in copper, silver, gold, and mithril. One mithril coin is worth 1,000,000 Eris. One Eris is about 1 JPY. KE is shorthand for KiloEris, or 1000 Eris. TL Note: stacks of Eris given as a reward for completing a quest. Assuming that 1 Eris = 1 JPY, you could use coinmill.com or another site to covert the given price in JPY to USD to determine how much payments or prices are worth in American dollars, or you could make a quick estimate by assuming 100 Eris or JPY = 1 USD and sliding the decimal point over two places to the left. -------------------- Nakatsugi/Otohime: Giant Toads? I wonder which part is gigantic (out to lunch). Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: They're gigantic, but they're stil frogs, so I bet tehy're about 1 meter hight (also out to lunch). GM's notes: Of course the players knew how big the toads were going to be, but they acted in character, portraying how someone from another world might think about the toads. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Aren't these things eating livestock? Maybe they really are dangerous. And we have to kill four of them. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Maybe we can get by if we only kill three of them. Buri/Gilbert: Is that going to be okay, chiho? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: The kind of person I am now is different from how I used to be. I was reborn into a powerful body and can now swing giant swords around. Nakatsugi/Otohime: If we do kill three, who will kill the remaining one? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: (pleadingly looks at Otohime). Nakatsugi/Otohime: What's that look for? If they eat livestock, they're too dangerous! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: If it's Otohime, who saved Suzusi, a frog is easily dealt with. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I didn't help you though! We just reincarnated instead of dying. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: But as a result of coming here, I'm healthy with a a strong body. GM:While you're here, the lady running the reception area for the Adventurers' Guild walks over to you. "Have you decided to accept this quest?" Nakatsugi/Otohime: We are carefully considering it. GM: "There is a time limit. Please decide soon." Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: The time limit was three days. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I get it. The client wants this to be settled promptly. Mikami/Temiren: (to Gilbert) Prince! Prince! Buri/Gilbert: Me? What is it? Mikami/Temiren: Yes, you're my prince. I've always called you that. Buri/Gilbert: Ah. But I've never gotten used to it. Mikami/Temiren: You've always focused on eliminating undead in quests, but sometimes you should eliminate Giant Toads! Frogs! Buri/Gilbert: Frogs, huh? I never had that inclination. I never received a revelation from Aqua-sama telling me, "You must defeat frogs". (lol) Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: The original author is telling you so there's no doubt. Buri/Gilbert: I hear it! The divine message from heaven! Mikami/Temiren: Prince, you are so passionate! Buri/Gilbert: Listen, all of you! [People of the realm! Frogs are the enemies of the goddess Aqua!] I say this in a public address while standing on top of the table. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: We'll accept the quest. I ask the lady if there are any other important points to keep in mind. GM: "Get it done within the time limit. I think your groups' adventurers are about the right level to accomplish the job." she says. Mikami/Temiren: Then all four of us rush to eliminate the Giant Toads! Nakatsugi/Otohime: If someone really doesn't want to go, shouldn't you take that into consideration? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: You want to sit this one out? You won't see us for a while. Do you want to starve to death? Nakatsugi/Otohime: Oh, I see now. If we're all together, no one will go hungry. Buri/Gilbert: What kind of equipment do you have, Otohime? Nakatsugi/Otohime: Protective clothing? GM: It is modern-era protective clothing. Perhaps it looks like armor to you. Buri/Gilbert: Then everything is okay. "Don't worry, these Giant Toads can't eat armor!" Nakatsugi/Otohime: Oh, I get it. That makes me feel safe. Mikami/Temiren: Everyone, look at that. O-kun's handling of the situation is so good. Buri/Gilbert: We're all in areement! [The Quest is accepted!] GM: (as the woman running the reception area) "Come back soon!" Mikami/Temiren: Yes! We're heading out! ====================================== Middle Phase Middle I : Before Going on the Adventure This happens right after the group accepted the quest to eliminate Giant Toads. However, before they left the group had to do something. GM: Okay, let's handle how you are going to set out. Buri/Gilbert: GM, we have stuff we need to do before we head on out. GM: Oh, what is that? Buri/Gilbert: Well, we could go shopping. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Good idea. We need to do that. If we pool our resources, we might be able to get some useful stuff. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: We should do that. It's especially important since we're low level. It could improve our chances to survive. Mikami/Temiren: Will we end up using an entire day to do that? We'd only have two days left to elimate those Giant Toads. Or does shopping count for time consumption? Nakatsugi/Otohime: Aren't Giant Toads nocturnal creatures? It's morning now, so if we leave in the afternoon . . . getting this done in two days looks like it may be difficult. Buri/Gilbert: I don't know about that. In this world, maybe the time doesn't quite match up with the geography (lol). Notes: To hear that from the original author . . . GM: Well, I will grant you ample time to go shopping. Everyone: Hurray! GM: (showing a list of items) Here's what you can obtain. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: They have Manatite. We can use that to regain MP. We ought to buy two pieces of it. Mikami/Temiren: You use those for MP? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: If I cast Heal, it uses MP. GM: If a lot of people are going to need stuff, it makes sense to equip yourself now. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: And I might want the guild to set me up with a Blazing. Notes: After careful consideration, they ended up buying to pieces of Manatite. Chiho paid the price for them. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Chiho, I don't know if we are going to come back alive, so I need to tell you this now. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: What is it? Nakatsugi/Otohime: Well, when I dove to save you, I . . . Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Oh, I already know (laughs) GM: Chiho doesn't seem worried about it, does she? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Well yes. Thanks to this person I became healthy again. Nakatsugi/Otohime: How many times do I need to say it? Mikami/Temiren: O-kun, you worry about it but she doesn't resent you for it. Instead she feels gratitude. Nakatsugi/Otohime: So she's not worried about it. What about the next time? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: It's my turn to protect you. I'll use my Covenant Skill. It'll allow me to add an extra D6 to my attack damage. Notes: The Covenant Skill allows its user to chose a target in a scene. It increases damage the user causes to the target by 1D6 and lasts until the end of the scenario. It's a Knight Skill that users employ to protect special people. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I have the unhappy eyes of someone who let you die. You shouldn't be squandering your gifts on me! (lol) GM: Sounds as if the Covenant Skill will be used to protect Otohime. Mikami/Temiren: I'm so jealous! [Prince, use your gigantic arm and give me a kabedon! Everybody: Here comes the kabedon! (lol) Buri/Gilbert: What's this about!? Mikami/Temiren: Just a little bit is okay! This could be a good spot! Don't I have any charm? I even have [Destruction Magic]!. Buri/Gilbert: This is why Crimson Demons are trouble . . . Mikami/Temiren: Please, just even once. Buri/Gilbert: I'll give her a slap in the face. Everyone else: a slap!? Buri/Gilbert: It looks like I need to correct your behavior! Mikami/Temiren: That hurts! But I found it stimulating! Notes: Everyone's got a strong connection here. Buri/Gilbert: This! This is! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: What is it? Buri/Gilbert: Up until now the Axis Sect has been silent, but now is the time for rehabilitation! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Are you expecting some kind of reward? Buri/Gilbert: Aqua-sama, I beseech thee. Let this Crimson Demon see the truth and start her life right anew. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I bet Aqua-sama is right behind you. GM: Gilbert doesn't know that Aqua was sent to this town (lol). Nakatsugi/Otohime: Yes, yes. Aqua-sama wants these Giant Toads defeated. It will surely gladden her heart. Buri/Gilbert: Yes! Though I am unworthy! GM: Then on that note, we'll conclude the shopping and you'll get to work eliminating the Giant Toads. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Are we gong there on foot? It's dangerous to walk there. We could end up damaging our knees (complaining). Buri/Gilbert: We could not have paid for a carriage. Mikami/Temiren: You could shoot down any enemies from afar. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: And we have used up all of the time given to us for shopping (lol). GM: Okay, I'm wrapping up this scene and moving forward to the next phase. Please let me finish this scene! (lol) ====================================== Middle Phase Middle II : Giant Toads, The Demons of Death Notes: After finishing shopping, the group went on their way to a farm on the mountain as part of their elimination quest. The group was surrounded by nature in the form of the many cows and pigs. GM: And so you arrive at the specified location. It took you about half a day to get there. Buri/Gilbert: What does the place look like? GM: You see cows and pigs. You also see a disgusting, slimy tongues wrapping around some of them. It looks like the animals are being dragged away. The tongues belong to three Giant Toads. Nakatsugi/Otohime: They're big. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: They're thiiiiiiis big. Buri/Gilbert: They are the enemies of my goddess! They must die! I hold my mace in one hand as I run toward them. Mikami/Temiren: Yes, my prince. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Yes, health! Notes: The PCs entered into battle. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Guys, be careful! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: We're doing what we decided to do earlier. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I don't think you're doing anything to defend against the Giant Toads! Buri/Gilbert: I believe the revelation I received! Nakatsugi/Otohime: Be that as it may, these are not just big frogs. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: But that's how they look to me. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Well, they are big. My companions have some weird standards. They don't think about the Giant Toads swallowing the animals whole. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Our awareness will slowly change over time. Nakatsugi/Otohime: But for this to be our first fight? Normally we'd start off with something like goblins. Buri/Gilbert: In this world there are many monsters other than goblins. Nakatsugi/Otohime: That's why I hate alternate worlds! (lol) Notes: That hurts, coming from the author of Re: Zero! GM: It sounds like we've entered the combat phase! Buri/Gilbert: Is that a bad thing? GM: Nah. Ordinarily we'd want to have everyone declaring actions and intent for the replay, but what's done is done. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I'm having fun, so match pace with me. (lol) GM: Indeed! And for all the readers, I'm about to explain a lot of the rules on another page. Please use the page as a reference. All right, let's get to the fight. ====================================== Beginning the Combat GM: Now we get to the rounds of combat. Buri/Gilbert: Yes! I am ready for this! For the gloy of Aqua-sama! > About Combat in the Konosuba TRPG The Konosuba TRPG measures the units of time in battle as Rounds. The actions of offense and defense are contained within this unit of time. The column explains this in detail, so be sure to check it out. ====================================== Round One GM: Now that combat has started, we need to think about the positioning of the Giant Toads. This part is called the Engage. Buri/Gilbert: As a player I understand, but I think you'll need to explain for the reader. GM: Sure, I'll help them out. (lol) Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: In other words, since we're in the same area as the Giant Toads, we should use powerful attacks to wipe them out. ====================================== Determining Outcomes In the Konosuba TRPG, the characters go on adventures and take actions. To determine if these actions fail or succeed, dice are rolled and the results are examined. > Basic Determinations and Conflict Resolution Dice roll tests fit into these two category types. > Basic Determinations The GM first picks an attribute. If the person is trying to lift and carry a heavy object, the attribute is Strength. If the person is trying to notice something, it's Perception, etc. > Determining Difficulty Number The GM then chooses a Difficulty Number. Sample Difficulty Numbers are on page 204. TL Note: In the interest of expediency, I will also reproduce those values in this table:
Difficulty NumberTask Attempted
08-09Extremely Simple
12-13Task has a 50-50 chance of Success
16-17Extremely Difficult
18+Almost Impossible
> Dice Rolls When dice are rolled, we call the action a Dice Roll. The player rolls 2D6. These are his standard (or base) dice pool. Depending on the character, situation, or environment, the amount of dice in the dice pool may increase or decrease. > Criticals Examine the results of the dice pool roll. If more than two of the dice in the pool rolled "6", then the action is an automatic success. This is called a Critical. > Fumbles Examine the results of the dice pool roll. If all the dice in the pool roll "1", then the action is an automatic failure. This is called a Fumble. > Determining Success or Failure As mentioned above, the GM first selects a Difficulty Number. If the player's total roll matches or exceeds the Difficulty Number, the test is successful. Attribute + 2D = Pass or Fail Result If the player wants to attempt something, the same rule applies. Remember, if the roll is equal to or greater than the Difficulty Number, the attempt succeeds. If the roll is under the Difficulty Number, the attempt fails. > Adjustments The GM may adjust the Difficulty Number or the amount of dice in a pool when appropriate. > Action and Reaction Opposed rolls are respectively divided into Action and Reaction tests. > Failure to React If for some reason it is impossible for a character to respond to an action, the character's Reaction test result is an automatic zero. > Victory and Failure To determine who wins and who loses, opposed rolls are used. The character with the higher roll wins. The character with the lower roll loses. Tie rolls go to the defender. If both sides critically succeed, the defender still wins. > Fumbles in Opposed Rolls If the character making an Action against a defender rolls a fumble, the defender does not need to make a reaction roll. His reaction is treated as an automatic success. If the defender rolls a fumble, the action roll is treated as an automatic success. The character who fumbled generates a value equal to "0" for his roll. ====================================== Back to the Game in Progress Nakatsugi/Otohime: But we are engaged in battle against the Giant Toads. Won't we soon be attacked by them? GM: Hmm. They'll probably go after the closest target first. The Giant Toads will be in their own Engage. Chio and Temiren will be in their own Engage. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Does that mean only I will survive? GM: The other humans have already run away. 2 meters away from the Giant Toads is Gilbert. And 10 meters away is Otohime. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Being able to change battle arrangement does feel a lot like Konosuba. Buri/Gilbert: Here's my plan of attack. GM, your judgment, please. GM: We'll get to that after we finish the setup process. (draws out battle map) GM: Okay, here's the setup for the first round. Do you have any skills that would affect this? Everyone else: Nope. GM: And neither do I. Let's go to Initiative. That determines when characters get to act.
Strike RankCharacter
5Giant Toads A, B, and C
====================================== Battle Procedure Battles in the Konosuba TRPG are divided into units of time called Rounds. We will explain how to use this concept and related ideas with the following. Round These units are divided into four parts. The first part is the Setup Process. The second is the Iniatiative Process. The third is the Main Process. It is concluded by the Cleanup Process. >> Actions Characters do not act until the main process. >> Unable to Act This describes characters who are unable to continue the battle. Until they are healed or otherwise restored in some way, they are unable to use actions. >> Killed If a character is killed, the character dies. Dead characters can no longer participate in the game. Setup Process Players declare what they are going to do for the round, and the GM confirms what characters are going to be in the scene. After that is done, the Round continues to the Initiative Process. Initiative Process Characters act in order of their Strike Rank. After everyone has acted that can act, the Round continues to the Cleanup Process. Main Process Characters can take one Move Action, one Minor Action, and one Major Action. Once the Main Process is over, they must wait to act again. >> Move Actions As befits the name, these largely indicate the character moving from one place to another. There are three subtypes: Movement in Battle, Full Movement, and Retreat Movement. > Movement in Battle The character keeps his defenses up while moving around the battlefield. > Full Movement The character lowers his defenses but moves at full speed. > Retreat Movement The character moves to escape from his Engage. > Minor Actions These typically affect Major Actions. This includes Preparation for, Assisting, and Strengthening a Major Action. > Major Actions These are mostly attacks. Resolving these actions occurs when they are performed. > Free Actions These actions are neither Minor or Major Actions. These actions can be performed by simply declaring them. These can only be performed by the GM. One of these can be done during the Main Process. Cleanup Process This occurs to conclude the Round. If there are still things that need to be done, continue on to the Setup Process for the next Round. ====================================== Back to the Game Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: The character with the highest Strike Rank is Gilbert. He'll act first. Buri/Gilbert: Now that I see enemies of my goddess, I run to attack them. I take a Move Action to move 5 meters closer to Giant Toad A. I'm not going to take any Minor Actions, but I do use a Major Action to hit the Giant Toad with my mace. I use the God Blow skill. My base number is three, and let's roll some dice. (Rolls 2D6) Okay, that was a 4, and with the other number that's a . . . 7!? Do I have bad dice luck? Nakatsugi/Otohime: Will it avoid your attack? GM: It has a 2D6 + 3 chance to avoid you. (rolls dice) That's an 11. Buri/Gilbert: Wow, it's fast. GM: The Giant Toad avoids your attack by jumping. That's some impressive footwork. Buri/Gilbert: I look at the crater left in the ground. "But - but this is just a frog!" (lol) GM: The creature twitches its tongue as if to mock Gilbert. Nakatsugi/Otohime: It fell for the decoy. I have some magic left to deal with this! Mikami/Temiren: That's right. It's the policy of the Crimson Demons to buy their fights. GM: The character with the next highest Strike Rank is Temiren. Mikami/Temiren: Witness me! I am Temiren! I am the daughter of the greatest hot springs shop merchant in my village! I adore the situations in shoujo manga! GM's Comment: Now that sounds like a a Crimson Demon Clan person spouting off! Mikami/Temiren: I use [Magic Blast] and select all three Giant Toads. They'll be within the attack radius. My major Action will be used for a [Freeze Gust]. Nakatsugi/Otohime: [Magic Blast] will have you choose four targets. Are you going to hit Gilbert too? Mikami/Temiren: No, I won't do that! Nakatsugi/Otohime: But if you do, you'll have a chance to help him recover from his damaged state. Mikami/Temiren: Oooh, that could be good. What should I do? What should I do? (lol) Buri/Gilbert: I believe in you, Temiren! Mikami/Temiren: I get it! I'll trust my farcical prince. (rolls dice) I hit with a 21. GM: I don't think I'll be able to dodge that. (rolls dice) Not even close! GM's Notes: The Giant Toads attempted to avoid Temiren's attacks, but they couldn't beat her attack total of 21. Mikami/Temiren: (rolls dice) They take 17 points of Ice elemental damage. It also gives an Absentminded debuff. GM: They have two points of Protection from Magic so 15 points of damage still find their way through. The Absentminded debuff sticks. Mikami/Temiren: The Absentminded debuff will make the Giant Toads stare off into space. Nakatsugi/Otohime: That means I'll get to go ahead of the Giant Toads! GM: Indeed. You get to go first. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I'll take a Move Action and a Minor Action. That will allow me to make a Full Movement towards Giant Toad A's Engage. I have both a Merit and Demerit for this, but I think the Merit is worth it. I'll use Heavens' Scales. That means there's a greater-than-zero-percent-chance for this attack causing death! "Leave it to me!" And I attack Giant Toad A! (rolls dice) My to-hit roll is a 13. GM: (rolls dice) The evasion roll was a 10, so it does not evade your attack. Nakatsugi/Otohime: (rolls dice) That's 15 points of physical damage. GM: The creature certainly felt the force of your attack. It unfortunately has Protection from Physical Attacks, which in its case help it soak damage from bashing strikes and hand to hand attacks. That allows it to reduce the damage it took from your attack. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Oh dear. GM:The creature leaps into the air. It did take some damage after all - two points of it. Nakatsugi/Otohime: The Toad absored most of my attack! "How could I be so weak? This is it! This is the end!" I'm going to be devoured! Why did I take this quest? (lol) Temiren: Don't worry, Oh-kun! It's okay! The priest hasn't been eaten! (lol) GM's Notes: Temiren only worries about Gilbert. GM: According to Initiative, it's now the Giant Toads' turn. This one is going to use a Move Action to accomplish its [Swallow] attack. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Oh no, this is it! I'm gonna be swallowed whole! GM: If this attack causes damage, the targeted character can not use any evasion attempts. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I taste bad! Gilbert's much, much tastier! Buri/Gilbert: No, the reincarnated person is much rarer and far more delicious. Temiren: Now that's fihgting dirty. (lol) GML Giant Toad A is targeting Gil. Mikami/Temiren: Prince! Uuuu! Buri/Gilbert: Doesn't it have the Absentminded debuff? GM: It does, which is why it's going to lose one die from its pool. It only has one left to use for its attack rolls. (rolls dice) The attack roll is a 9. Buri/Gilbert: (rolls dice) My roll to dodge is a 9. We both got the same result! GM's Notes: Tie goes to defender. Buri/Gilbert: I twist out of the way at the last second. Mikami/Temiren: Prince! That's so cool! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Is this a type of enemy level one characters should be fighting? GM: I had planned on using them as a weak enemy. Nakatsugi/Otohime: And though you say that, here comes the life or death struggle (lol) GM: Giant Toad B is also going to use [Swallow]. It's giantic tongue unfurls and reaches out towards (rolls dice) Otohime. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Nuoooo! Roll bad! Roll a fumble! GM: (rolls dice) Their to-hit roll is a 9. Nakatsugi/Otohime: (rolls dice) . . . I got a fumble. GM's Notes: In play, if the player gets a 1 on every die he rolls in a pool, his attempt automatically fails. This is called a fumble. If two or more roll 6 in the pool, it's called a critical - an automatic success. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Aww man- Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Giant Toad B grabs onto you and pulls you into its mouth. Right know your legs are protruding from its mouth. (lol) Nakatsugi/Otohime: UuuuuuuuUaaaah! GM's Notes: Otohime was being swallowed whole by the Giant Toad. His legs kicked pitifully as they protruded from the Giant Toad's mouth. GM: You can't attack, move, or dodge because you're being swallowed whole. Nakatsugi/Otohime: What!? Oh no! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Right now Otohime is remembering how Gil said the Giant Toads wouldn't eat things covered in metal. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Gilbert! Was that a lie!? Buri/Gilbert: Now's not the time to be saying that. Mikami/Temiren: Gilbert warned us! He said, "These are no ordinary frogs!?" So he is innocent! Buri/Gilbert: I did? GM's Notes: Yes, he did. GM: Okay, we're back to the Setup Process. Otohime, you'll need to beat a 12 our better on a Strength test. Nakatsugi/Otohime: That's a big number! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: It is a gigantic animal. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I just am glum that I'm gonna be in the giant frog's stomach. GM: Okay, let's check for damage (rolls dice) and that's 18. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Ouch, that's a lot. Although my armor stops two points of that. Buri/Gilbert: It might be time for me to deploy my [Saint Shield]. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: After this battle is over, I'd like you to cast [Heal]. GM's Notes: Saint Shield is a Priest Skill that allows the user to create a magical barrier that reduces damage. Getting hit points back after the battle through [Heal] might not cost Magic Points. Buri/Gilbert: I'm trying to save Magic Points. Please endure this, Otohime. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I get it. I'll try to be strong. GM: Giant Toad C attacks Gilbert. His to-hit is a 10. Gilbert: My evade result is a 10. Right on the dot. GM: You dodged it. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: It's finally my turn to act. I use a Full Movement action to get to Giant B's Engage, and then I swing my giant sword. I'm a little worried about hitting Otohime, but I'm going with full power on this attack. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Wha- oh no! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Don't worry, you have lots of hit points. Nakatsugi/Otohime: And you're a tank with no brains but lots of muscle! GM: I don't have a rule to judge whether or not you'll hit Otohime (lol). Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: (rolls dice) That's probably a hit. (rolls dice) And my attack hit for 27 points of physical damage. GM: You're using a two-handed sword so the creature's damage reduction doesn't apply. Now its hit points equal zero, so it dies. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Got 'im! GM: As the Toad is dead, it will stop trying to devour Otohime. It does go without saying that Otohime took another 10 points of damage from the Toad's attempts to harm him, though. Mikami/Temiren: Aren't Giant Toads strong? Nakatsugi/Otohime: Let's go home! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Are you afraid? Nakatsugi/Otohime: Shaddup! (lol) Mikami/Temiren: It's okay! They haven't hurt prince! Nakatsugi/Otohime: Yeah, but they hurt me. Mikami/Temiren: Don't you really like it? (lol) Nakatsugi/Otohime: I almost died back there! GM: That's it for Round One. We will now proceed to the next round. Round 2
Strike RankCharacter
5Giant Toads A and C
GM: That's about it for the Setup Process for Round Two. Let's go to the Main Process. Gilbert? Buri/Gilbert: I'm going to attack Giant Toad A. (rolls dice) My to-hit is a 13. GM: (rolls dice) The Toad got a 7, so it failed to defend. Buri/Gilbert: Okay, here's damage. (rolls dice) My mace just caused 14 points of crushing physical damage. GM: Which was largely soaked by the Toad. It took only one point of damage. Mikami/Temiren: That's awesome! It felt the power of Prince's strike! It's probably dazed by the power! Buri/Gilbert: It only took one point of damage though. Mikami/Temiren: (imitating a dazed enemy) Whoooaaa! I'm getting dizzzzyyy! (lol) Buri/Gilbert: Did you see the power of the Axis Sect!? GM: The Giant Toads are staring at you, bewildered. (lol) Mikami/Temiren: My turn! I use a Major Action to activate [Magic Blast], which boosts the power of my [Freeze Gust]. "This is my most powerful magic!" (rolls dice) My to-hit is a 15. GM: Okay, I need to roll to defen. Here we go for Giant Toad A. (rolls dice) He got a critical! Everybody else: Wuhhaaaaa!? Nakatsugi/Otohime: B-but this is just a frog, right? Buri/Gilbert: They did dodge one of my attacks, in fact. GM: (rolls dice) Giant Toad C did not dodge, though. Mikami/Temiren: Then he takes (rolls dice) 21 points of damage. GM: Wow, Giant Toad C is still alive, but only barely. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Then it's fine if I do away with Giant Toad C. You can leave this to me! Beating up a weak enemy is my specialty! (rolls dice) My to-hit is a 14. GM: (rolls dice) I got a 9, so your hit connects. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Here we go! (rolls dice) I only caused 9 points of damage . . . GM: Your blow is repulsed by the rubbery, thick hide of the Giant Toad. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Oh no, I'm gonna dieeeee-! (lol) GM: Okay, let's get to the Giant Toads. Giant Toad A notices that Giant Toad B is no longer with them. He will use his [Swallow] attack. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Who is it going to attack? GM: Let's find out with a roll of the dice. (rolls dice) He's going to attack Chiho. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: He heh. C'mere and try it (striking a cool pose). Nakatsugi/Otohime: Don't act cool! He didn't get hit with the [Freeze Blast] so he doesn't have the [Hard] debuff! (lol) Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Don't worry. I have lots of hit points. Nakatsugi/Otohime: No connection there. (lol) GM: The Giant Toad will attack Chiho, who is interfering with its ability to swallow targets whole. (rolls dice) This one's on point. The to-hit is a 15. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Okay, all I gotta do is roll 6 on two dice. Shouldn't be hard. (rolls dice) Oh no, a fumble!? Buri/Gilbert: That's what happens if you get careless! GM's Notes: She may have lots of hit points, but she also rolled a fumble. Nakatsugi/Otohime: (moving to cover her) Wait. Although this is bad, it isn't all that dangerous. GM: And yet you almost perished from the damage you were taking. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I said that because it's the opposite of how I look right now (moving to cover her). GM: Okay, Otohime moves to protect Chiho and gets hit instead. Otohime, you take 26 points of damage. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Ouch, ten points of that get through. Mikami/Temiren: You're covering Chiho . . . Buri/Gilbert: Can I use [Saint Shield]? GM: Yes. Mikami/Temiren: You were keeping that to use it later. Now it's later. GM: Otohime is being Swallowed, but suddenly a magical field appears around him. In fact, if the [Saint Shield] reduces the damage to zero, you won't be Swallowed. Nakatsugi/Otohime: C'mon, roll high! Buri/Gilbert: (rolls dice) I got a 7. GM: Kissh! The barrier shatters like glass. Otohime just got Swallowed. Everyone else: Otohimeeeeeeeee-! (lol) GM's Notes: Otohime, once again, was Swallowed by a Giant Toad. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Oh. Aaawww. (lol) Buri/Gilbert: It's your destiny. GM: Giant Toad C will be going after Chiho. Chiho seems like Chiho would be easy to eat. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I'm still covering her. (lol) GM: Uh, no. No. Anyway. (rolls dice) The Giant Toad goes after Chiho and its to-hit is a 9. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: (rolls dice) I tied. Got a 9. GM: Chiho avoids the attack with a nimble dodge. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Otohime's probably already been digested. Mikami/Temiren: Chiho, it's your turn. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I face Giant Toad A. I can't dodge with this next choice so [Feint] isn't going to be an option. I'm going to use a Major Action to employ my [Iai] Skill and strike the Giant Toad. "We have one life!" (rolls dice) My to-hit is a 10! GM: Giant Toad A is busy Swallowing Otohime so it can not dodge. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: (rolls dice) 24 . . . 40 points of damage. GM: It can only soak 5 points of that . . . so it takes 25 opnts of damage. It seems it died without being able to digest Otohime. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Are you all right? Nakatsugi/Otohime: (coughs) Somehow. Some of that mucous ended up in a lung. (coughs) GM: That's it for Round Two. Now it's time for Round 3
Strike RankCharacter
5Giant Toad C
GM: Iniative is especially important in Round Three. Gilbert, if you please. Buri/Gilbert: I'm going to attack Giant Toad C. I'll use my mace. (rolls dice) My to-hit is an 11. GM: (rolls dice) The evasion attempt is an 11. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I-it dodged! Buri/Gilbert: It must be possessed by the ghost of Giant Toad A. (lol) GM: "I can't let this person defeat me! I have to beat him!" That's the kind of face the Toad is making. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Aren't you a hungry boy? (drool, drool) Mikami/Temiren: Judging by how it's playing with you, it probably thinks you are but a headstrong and immature youth. Buri/Gilbert: Oh - oooohh. Don't you have any Magic Points? Mikami/Temiren: Yes. And I am holding my action! (lol) GM: Otohime, you are up. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I fire an arrow! (rolls dice) My to-hit is a 16. I hope this hits! GM: (rolls dice) I got a 13 for my evade roll, so your attack does indeed hit. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I'm gonna knock this one out! (rolls dice) That's 17 points of damage. GM: Four points get through. That's one point over the limit, so it dies. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I got it! (Everyone applauds.) Nakatsugi/Otohime: I turn to the drooling Toad and speak: "This is my victory. Until now, I hated winning and losing. To become king of the world through winning, or to face a terrible doom by losing. That's not why I fight. But this is a victory. I might even be able to defeat the Demon King!" (lol) GM: You're getting full of yourself. Mikami/Temiren: What a boy! (lol) Buri/Gilbert: Being swallowed whole made you grow up! Nakatsugi/Otohime: Let's go to the Devil King's palace! Is it time for the Climax Phase!? GM's Notes: not yet. Buri/Gilbert: Slow down. I have to beat this Giant Toad. Mikami/Temiren: That's right! GM: That was the thing the client wanted. You've got one Giant Toad to go. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Oh, is that thing still here? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: He has Frog Traum. GM: Well, let's deal with the Giant Toad and wrap up this battle. [ L A T E R ] GM: It looks like there are Drop Items* that your group finds after the fight. TL Note: Drop Items are dropped items - things enemies drop once they are defeated. GM's Notes: When a fight is over, defeated enemies may yeild Drop Items. The GM should roll 2D6 to determine what becomes available, if anything. If the PCs bring back the Drop Items, they can exchange them for money at shops. GM: (rolls dice) That's a three ... (checks chart) Of the Giant Toads you killed, three of them have Drop Items. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Let's start with Giant Toad A. Buri/Gilbert: Okay. (rolls dice) I got a 6. GM: Three portions of Giant Toad mucous. You can bring that back to town and exchange it for money. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Did you get that from me? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Is this sellable? GM: It's a basic ingredient for making certain types of medicine. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Like reedmace oil? Nakatsugi/Otohime: As in face moisturizing oils. I'll roll for Giant Toad B. (rolls dice) I got a 9. GM: Toad Meat. 5000 Eris' worth. Mikami/Temiren: I go next. (rolls dice) 12. Buri/Gilbert: Nice! That's a max roll. GM: Superior Toad Meat. 300,000 in Ellis. Mikami/Temiren: 300,000!? This must be fantastic meat! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: That meat looks delicious. Shall we cook it? Nakatsugi/Otohime: No, we're going to sell that, and use it for our living expenses. Mikami/Temiren: I look at Prince with a stare that lets him know I want to be rewarded. And I'm the one who killed this Giant Toad (lol) Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: How about some praise for a job well done? Buri/Gilbert: You did a good job. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Not enough! More! Buri/Gilbert: My head feels a little dizzy. Mikami/Temiren: We did it. Buri/Gilbert: I'll donate my share to the Axis Sect. (lol) Mikami/Temiren: Of course, prince. Buri/Gilbert: I'm probably the worst when it comes to talking to girls. (lol) Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Don't worry about it. This setup is funny. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Setting all that aside, that was a life or death struggle. GM's Notes: Having gotten the Drop Items, the group set to healing their wounds and recovering before continuing their adventure. Middle 3 Humans vs Frogs? GM's Notes: Three Giant Toads had been slain. Though he was almost devoured, Otohime had been rescued but was covered in mucous. They set about examining the corpses of the Toads. GM: Okay, you hguys had a break and recovered. Mikami/Temiren: Oh-kun, thanks for all your hard work! Nakatsugi/Otohime: I go to a nearby river to wash the mucous off. Mikami/Temiren: But Giant Toad mucous is such a great moisturizer! Nakatsugi/Otohime: Just the same, I was not thinking about that on my way to the Giant Toad's stomach. GM: I'm going to guess you went to visit the one who set up the quest, the owner of the livestock. Here's what he says. "What happened to all of you?" Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Oh yeah. Well, the Giant Toads appeared and Suzuki and everybody started fighting them. GM: "Oh, so you guys are adventurers?" Mikami/Temiren: Yes. This is Prince. GM: "Prince?" He seems confused. Mikami/Temiren: It's a secret (lol) GM: The livestock owner's name is Bo Kujo. TL Note: This is a pun on ç‰§å ´ (bokujou), which means pasture land or a livestock farm. Mikami/Temiren: That will be easy to remember. GM: "Those Giant Toads were a pain! They suddenly showed up and wrecked my land! Then they started going after the livestock and people!" Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: They are big problems. Buri/Gilbert: We already got revenge. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I just thought about how those things tried to eat me. Knowing this, it changes how I think about what happened earlier. GM: You can try to roll an 8 or better on a Knowledge check. If you do, you will be able explain the circumstances effectively to Bo Kujo. Nakatsugi/Otohime: (rolls dice) I got an 8. I succeeded. Mikami/Temiren: (rolls dice) 14. Buri/Gilbert: I have four levels in Knowledge. (rolls dice) 15. GM: He listens to your explanation and blanches. There's something unnatural here. Normally they go after smaller animals but these ones attacked people. Nakatsugi/Otohime: It's certainly not a good thing. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Do Giant Toads attack people? GM: "I don't know exactly. I've never seen them do that myself." Nakatsugi/Otohime: What about running away if they attack? I recommend that one myself. Maybe the deceased cows bear a grudge. GM: "Do you really understand?" Mikami/Temiren: You got attacked and almost devoured. It sounds like you met your destined opponent (lol). Buri/Gilbert: Was the frog your destined mate? GM: Hanako was after a cow. Mikami/Temiren: The frog wanted to seize him and elope! It's the kind of amazing romance you'd get in shoujo manga. Nakatsugi/Otohime: That sounds more like ladies' comic material. Or perhaps a lawsuit. Mikami/Temiren: Yes, yes. Although that kind of raw material, in terms of Temiren, is NG! Buri/Gilbert: Ah, this type of marriage is the work of the poor Eris sect. (lol) GM: "Whaaa-? The people in the Eris sect are all nice." Nakatsugi/Otohime: Bo Kujo-san. I understand how you feel, but saying that in front of a member of the Axis sect is now good. GM: ... "Let's change the subject." Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Good idea. Religion is a touchy subject. GM: "It looks like this letter was spat out by a Giant Toad." Everyone: A letter? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I'm interested. May I see it? GM: The letter reads as follows: To Humanity, This is but the beginning. The Giant Toads are rulers of the above world. The human world will surely change. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: With only Giant Toads? Mikami/Temiren: What shall we do? This is an Enemy of Humanity! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: We beat them up, but it was still tough. Nakatsugi/Otohime: We defeated Giant Toads powerful enough to end human society. We are strong. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Setting that aside, it's 100KE per Giant Toad! Buri/Gilbert: Quite so! We toppled the world of these frogs. I was on a mission to defeat them and earn a reward. Mikami/Temiren: Will we get eaten again? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Don't worry! Suzuki will protect you! Nakatsugi/Otohime: Do you know what it feels to be eaten? How cold the inside of that body is? (lol) Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: It's all right if you only get eaten one time. Suzuki took no damage. Nakatsugi/Otohime: It's preferable if I end up being the only one who got swallowed. Buri/Gilbert: The Giant Toads are the enemy of Aqua-sama. I will hunt the enemies of my goddess. Don't you feel it? The anger of the goddess. Let's hunt them. The Giant Toads that Aqua could never forgive. Let's show them the wrath of Aqua! Nakatsugi/Otohime: To think that Aqua is here on this farmland. Buri/Gilbert: If we slay one more Giant toad, do you think we can gather some information? GM: Let's do that We'll shift from a gathering information scene to a research scene. Nakatsugi/Otohime: We'll have to hunt some Giant Toads first. Buri/Gilbert: Leave that to me. I have a Tracking skill. Mikami/Temiren: As expected! GM: Try a Perception test. Of course you can also use your skill too. Buri/Gilbert: I have a 3 Perception. My Tracking skill gives me 1D6 to add to my dice pool. In total, I'm rolling 3D6 +3. (rolls dice) I got an 11. GM: As one of the Six Black Monks, whose Tracking skill was nurtured by the Axis Sect, you succeed. Buri/Gilbert: I used a skill I developed in my youth. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: But to use it against Giant Toads? Mikami/Temiren: If there are people with hearts of justice, you'll find them fighting Giant Toads. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I understand. That's Gil for you. Mikami/Temiren: Even though Prince is making this face, he's really very kind. Especially to animals. GM: So he's going to battle against Giant Toads . . . Mikami/Temiren: Prince is especially kind to diary animals. GM: But he's tough on amphibians. (lol) Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: He holds out an umbrella to cover children outside in the rain, but he will not do that for the frogs. Mikami/Temiren: That's the kind of thing you often see in shoujo manga. GM: We'll move on to the judgment and result phase. Pursuit of them will continue at the nearest mountain. Buri/Gilbert: Let's get to it. GM's Notes: After going through a forest, they arrived at the mouth of the cave the Giant Toads had come from. GM: Their tracks lead into and out of this cavern. They also continue towards the farmland you just came from. Buri/Gilbert: All right then. Let's go. Mikami/Temiren: Yes! GM: The scene ends as your group goes into the cave. Middle 4 Floating Punishment Cave GM's Notes: The party could not see the interior of the cave from the entrance. They had no choice but to enter. GM: You're inside the cavern. The lighting is extremely dim. If you aren't using laterns, you'll be rolling tests with a penalty. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: They came with our Adventurer Sets. Though those ones give us moderate illumination. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Having been told that, we have no choice but to be careful. Buri/Gilbert: Are you saying that you want to remain behind, all alone? Nakatsugi/Otohime: I want to transend my cowardice and be dragged forward by my allies. (lol) Buri/Gilbert: This guy is a drag! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: It's okay. I'm tagging along. Nakatsugi/Otohime: That's right. I'd be in a lot of danger if Suzuki wasn't here. Just having you along makes me feel much safer. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Well, if you were not here my fire attack would do 1D6 less damage, so I want you to stick around. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I get it. I'm the focus of your [Pledge] Skill. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Meaning you're important to Suzuki. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I would like to be told I'm important more often. It's that whole need for social and societal approval thing. All of you should say, "It might be good that Otohime is here." Yes! Goooo! Uuuuuoooo! GM: Sounds like match pomp. Anyway, if you're not going to take any actions I'm going to advance things a bit. Buri/Gilbert: I continue my pursuit. Mikami/Temiren: Sure! GM: This part becomes a Dungeon. TL Note: The GM may not literally be saying this place is a dungeon. He is using the term to refer to a large scale ruin, series of tunnels, a maze, a dungeon, or other structure that the PCs will explore. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Sounds good. GM: You're moving into the Dungeon. This will be divided into different areas and scenes. Buri/Gilbert: Roger that. GM: Then we wrap up this scene as your group proceeds further inside. Middle 5 Challenging the Test of Wisdom GM's Notes: The group went further into the cave. There were sconces where torches had once been placed, and the floor was tiled. These were signs left behind by whoever had first set this place up. This also meant that those who once lived here could still be lurking somewhere inside. GM: You make your way into the next room. This counts as one area. There are vestiges of the work that went into making this place. Nakatsugi/Otohime: We sense the kind of life they must have had. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: This palce was built by human hands. Mikami/Temiren: I'm getting excited. Buri/Gilbert: It's highly possible that traps have been set. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Let's check where the Giant Toads went and didn't go. If they went through an area, it probably doesn't have traps. Mikami/Temiren: Did they write "soon" anywhere? GM: Sorry, but there are no letters lying around. (lol) As you go in, you sense that a lot of care went into it. Plenty of stones. There's also an extremely durable door that looks like it'll be hard to open. Nakatsugi/Otohime: What do we need to open the door? GM: (checks notes) In terms of rules, you'd need Key B. Under ordinary circumstances, you won't be able to open the door, which is locked. Also in the room are a long pole, a chair, and some nuts and berries on the door. Buri/Gilbert: I bet this is a test. They're challenging us to get the nuts and berries. Mikami/Temiren: They're raw, Prince. Buri/Gilbert: Hold up. This might be a trap set by the Eris sect. Mikami/Temiren: A trap? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: At times like these, [Trap Detection] is the way to go. TRAP DETECTION Someone rigged a trap which will be activated if the door is opened or if objects in the room are moved. Of course, learning this requires the PC to make his [Trap Detection] test, be told about it by another PC, or activate the trap and survive its activation. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Even if I reach for the fruit and nuts, my hand won't reach. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Shouldn't you be using tools? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: T-tools? GM: As you do that, you hear a voice from somewhere. Nakatsugi/Otohime: This is a noisy disturbance (lol). Buri/Gilbert: We are too careless. For us to be told that we're making too much noise by the GM is only natural. Mikami/Temiren: Even though it's a cave system with enemies lurking about! (lol) GM: It's a man's smokey voice. "If you have the wisdom to use tools, you might be the chosen one. Now pick up the nuts and berries!" Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Can I make a [Knowledge] test to see if I realize how to use the pole? Nakatsugi/Otohime: They must think we're foolish! GM: You could stand on the chair and use the pole to touch the nuts and berries. It'd be possible to dislodge them. But the chair is wobbly, so you've got a -1D6 penalty. Your target number is 10. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: So it'd be like trying to hit something with a weapon? GM: Correct. You'd be trying to make a striking physical attack. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Then it's my turn. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Suzuki is worried about how to use the pole. (lol) Mikami/Temiren: We know there's a trap, but we don't know what kind. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Don't forget that I'm here. We'll be okay even if there's a trap. Even if it explodes . . . actually, that last part has me wondering. Mikami/Temiren: What's wrong, Oh-kun? Nakatsugi/Otohime: I was just thinking I needed to prove my worth to you. Mikami/Temiren: How cool! (makes a heart sound effect) Nakatsugi/Otohime: Okay, I get on the chair and try to hit the fruit/nuts with the bo staff! (rolls dice) 10! Right on the dot! GM: When you do that your footing becomes wobbly, but you are able to keep your balance. The objects you struck are dislodged and fall. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: To use a chair as a stepping stone . . . Nakatsugi/Otohime: Hey, whatever works. You can use a chair to access high places. Buri/Gilbert: Mmmmmm. (lol) GM: By the way, those things you got are a one use item. If you eat them, you'll regain 1D6 MP. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Then I give them to Temiren. Mikami/Temiren: Yay! I eat them. GM: That was fast. Mikami/Temiren: (rolls a die) Oooh, six points regained! Nakatsugi/Otohime: It is kind of strange we found those in this cave. Mikami/Temiren: I got a present from a boy. There's gotta be a lot of heart in them. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: They do think that way in shoujo manga. GM: You hear the noise of a bell in the distance. "You did well overcoming that test of knowledge. Now, come! Deeper into this structure. This is but one step in changing the whole world!" Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Oh, I get it. It was a test of brains. Buri/Gilbert: Okay then. Nakatsugi/Otohime: This is when Hanako comes back. GM: Hanako got only one sentence in the scenario! (lol) GM's Notes: The names for the Giant Toads were ad-libbed. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Disarming the trap requires me to first make a [Detect Trap] test. GM: Do so. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: "I bought this!" I say as I happily palm my theives' tools. (rolls dice) I got a 14. Mikami/Temiren: I'll give it a try too. (rolls dice ) 8. GM: You don't think there is anything there. Mikami/Temiren: This part is safe! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Uh, yes. There are no traps. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I'm flashing back to the part where I remember thinking 'they can't eat metal armor' when that Giant Toad tried to eat me. (lol) Buri/Gilbert: I open the door. GM: Okay. The door is now open. Buri/Gilbert: I proceed through the door. GM: Having cleared the test of knowledge, you now proceed to the next area. Middle 6 Overcoming Oil and Vinegar GM's Notes: The party cleared the test and went into the next area. What they found inside was a vinegar packing plant. Hands gathered liquid, which was clearly vinegar, from a pond. GM: You make your way into the room. There's a fair amount of smoke and a very large lake. The lake smells like vinegar. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Is this a hot spring? GM: No, as you can tell by examining, it's a lake full of vinegar. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: It's not a hot spring. In fact, dipping into that might be bad for your health. Mikami/Temiren: It might be good to avoid getting too close to it. Buri/Gilbert: Temiren, do you know something? Mikami/Temiren: I'm the daughter of a family that runs a hot spring establishment. I'm used to seeing things like this. Buri/Gilbert: Oh, I see. GM: It looks like a frog collapsed here. Buri/Gilbert: A frog? GM: A small one. Mikami/Temiren: A child frog? Not a tadpole? GM: It looks like it just finished growing legs. Buri/Gilbert: Does it look like something harmed it? GM: It looks like the vinegar did it in. Its hide is in bad shape. It is no longer able to do battle. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Meaning that what happened to the frog could happen to us. GM: That's when the strange voice you heard before speaks again. [All of you are different from humans. To succeed, you'll need exceptional jumping ability. I'll put you to the test. Jump over that lake.] Nakatsugi/Otohime: How long a jump would that require? GM: Five meters. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: That's a good distance. Nakatsugi/Otohime: It could be done as a running long jump. It's possible. GM: If you choose to try, you'll need to pass a [Jump] test. The relevant attribute is [Strength] and you have a Target Number of 10 to clear. If you fail, you'll land in the Lake of Vinegar, which will cause damage to you, reducing your Hit Points. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Got it. Okay then. I'll do it. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Wait, are we really doing this? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I've got a [Strength] of four. Nakatsugi/Otohime: With a roll of 2D6, it's possible. Buri/Gilbert: Maybe a [Blessing] would be good here. GM: It might. [Blessing] would allow him to add 1D6 to his Dice Pool. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Could you turn the vinegar to water with a [Purification] spell? GM: Interesting! I'll say the answer is yes. (Everyone applauds.) GM: Transmuting the liquid from vinegar to water will require you to clear a Difficulty Number of 12. If you do that, falling into it will cause no damage. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: In any case, I'll jump it. Nakatsugi/Otohime: W-what. Are we still going with the idea of jumping? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: It's okay. Use the spell while I am still in the air. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Chiho, look out! [Purification]! Buri/Gilbert: I cast [Blessing] on Otohime. (rolls dice) I got a 7, which puts me over the TN (Target Number). The Axis Sect can not forgive lakes of vinegar. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I get an extra die for my dice pool. That means I'm rolling 3D6. "This is the power of the chosen one!" (rolls dice) I got an 18! (makes magical sounds) GM: The lake of vinegar turns into a lake of pure water. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: (rolls dice) I got a 10, and that's precisely what I needed. I just clear the lake. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Did you see the power of my (Purification) spell! You could drink the lake now! Mikami/Temiren: Since it became fresh water, I start fishing. GM: Fishing!? It was just purified. There are no fish in the lake. Mikami/Temiren: The (Fishing) Skill allows me to relax and regain my composure. It's fine even if there are no fish. GM: Well okay then. (lol) GM's Notes: The (Fishing) skill also allows the Player Character to relax and regain Magic Points. Normally it wouldn't work if there were no fish to catch but the player's explanation was funny so this exception was allowed. Mikami/Temiren: This smell of sulphur is very nostalgic. Buri/Gilbert: That's what you do to regain MP? Mikami/Temiren: (rolls dice) Oh nice. My prince is cooperating. The friendship of boys is wonderful. GM: This isn't fishing, it's a healing of the heart. (lol) Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Suzuki jumped, the vinegar was negated,and Temiren was relieved! Everything's working out. GM: The unseen being speaks again. "You've done well. That's the body of someone who has exceeded humanity. You are above humans. Now, come deeper into the cave. This is but another step to changing the world." Mikami/Temiren: Time to go! GM: And when you reach the next area, this scene ends. Middle 7 Riddle of the Laboratory GM's Notes: The PCs cleared the lake of vinegar and then moved on to the next room. The room was disordered and full of chemicals and lab equipment. Something was clearly being researched here. GM: Okay, here's the next scene. Mikami/Temiren: My heart was refreshed because I did some [Fishing]. GM: You made it into the next "room" (read: area) of the cave. Many objects are lying around but what you immediately notice are all the flasks. This is clearly some sort of laboratory. Amid this, you notice a box full of mucous. You also see tracks left behind by Giant Toads. Mikami/Temiren: Ich. I do not like this. GM: Try to pass a [Knowledge] test if you want to investigate this room. The target number is 12. Mikami/Temiren: (rolls dice) I got it! Nakatsugi/Otohime: (rolls dice) I passed as well. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: (rolls dice) Swing and a miss. Buri/Gilbert: (rolls dice) I did not succeed. GM: Temiren and Otohime both comprehend what they are seeing. This is equpiment for modifying Giant Toad eggs. The chemicals are growth accelerants. Nakatsugi/Otohime: This appears to be an area for raising and deploying Giant Toads. Mikami/Temiren: Prince! I want to destroy this! GM: The box is covered in mucous and the ground around it might be slick and slippery. You can try to pass a [Dexterity] test to move to it. The Difficulty Number is 12. Mikami/Temiren: I think that girls ought to go! Buri/Gilbert: Are you going, Temiren!? GM's Notes: But Temiren did not succeed. She lost her footing and slipped, and became splashed with mucous. GM: Temiren hit the ground and lost 1 Hit Point. She's also covered in mucous. There are no bonuses or penalties to rolls but you'll be that way for the rest of the scenario. Mikami/Temiren: Oh dang, I'm soaked. Buri/Gilbert: That's within my calculations . . . Nakatsugi/Otohime: What's int he box? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Should we open it? GM: The box is locked. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Shall we break it open? GM: If you want to do that, you'll need to inflict 20 points of damage with an attack to the lock. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: What about the [Break] skill? Can I use that? GM: You're proactive. Sure. (lol) Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Here comes the damage. (rolls dice) 40 points. Mikami/Temiren: 40 points!? It's like if I blasted it. GM: You hear a click before the bomb trap inside detonates. No one said they were searching for traps before hitting the box. You can try to make a Luck Test against a TN of 13. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: You got us there. No one said that. (lol) Mikami/Temiren: Will I get hit by the leftover damage of Chiho hitting the box? GM: No, you only have to worry about the bomb detonation. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho X Buri/Gilbert X Nakatsugi/Otohime: (roll dice) We all failed! Nakatsugi/Otohime: I use my [Covering] skill to absorb the force of the blast. GM: (rolls dice) Okay, take 15 onts of damage. Otohime is intentionally exposing himself to this damage so I'm going to roll twice and use the larger roll. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I was able to block 16 points of damage. GM: Wow, then Otohime soaks the entire thing. The noise stops echoing and the trails of smoke slowly waft away, but Otohime is still standing. Nakatsugi/Otohime: And that's why we use the [Detect Trap] skill! Because when we don't, this happens. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: You didn't say that. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Dang it, I didn't. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: He believed that for just a moment. Buri/Gilbert: Anyway, as the person who had the least to do with this, and as someone who's been blackened with smoke like in a cartoon, I use my [Saint Shield] to help block the damage. (rolls dice) Two points get through. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Amazing, such is the power of health! Nakatsugi/Otohime: No! It's the power of our allies. The power . . . of teamwork. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: You never would have said those words back when you were alive. GM: Indeed, you were someone who didn't get involved with other people. Buri/Gilbert: By the blessings of Aqua-sama, you have been healed. Mikami/Temiren: I see how scorched Prince's head is. "Please don't try out different hairstyles." Buri/Gilbert: Don't worry about hairstyles, worry about me! (lol) Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: What about the inside of the box? GM: There are what look to be two rubies where the box was. Nakatsugi/Otohime: That's a lot! GM: If you had disarmed the trap you would have been able to gather more of them. The explosion destroyed most of them. Buri/Gilbert: It's a loss, but we still have that good quality frog meat. Nakatsugi/Otohime: But there was mental trauma involved in getting them. Mikami/Temiren: (chuckles) GM: That was something which didn't go according to calculations (lol). Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I bet we could recover a lot of LIFE [HP] if we eat the superior frog meat. GM: Anyway, the door to the interior opens. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Did the explosion blast open the door? Nakatsugi/Otohime: Oooooh! Mikami/Temiren: What about the toad mucous? Are we going to take that back to town and sell it? GM: Okay, roll 1D6. That's how many Units of Toad Mucous you have. Each unit is worth 1 KiloEris. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: (rolls a die) 2. So that's 2 KiloEris. Not that much. Mikami/Temiren: What about its use as a beauty product? GM: You could use it in a face cream. Oh wait. You already are. Mikami/Temiren: Hey. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: You see this in beauty products. Mikami/Temiren: I'm becoming even more beautiful! Chiho is sparkling! (lol) Nakatsugi/Otohime: This is getting really random. Buri/Gilbert: Let's keep going. GM: Indeed. You get the two rubies and continue on to the next scene. Middle 8 The King Frog's Ambition GM's Notes: After leaving the research lab, the PCs continued further into the cavern. In the dim darkness of a long hallway, they eventually discerned two special-looking wooden doors. To where did they lead? GM: Okay, we're in the next scene. You thought the corridor might continue on for much, much longer but on the sides of it you see two wooden doors. Nakatsugi/Otohime: All the way here for these wooden doors? GM: Yes, that's what you see in the corridor. You can either go through the doors to a mid-scene or continue on through the corridor. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Suzuki learned a lot. Before you open a door, you [Search for Traps]. Although if you miss the roll you might end up activating the trap(s) anyway. Mikami/Temiren: Would Chiho like to try this time instead? Nakatsugi/Otohime: The one with the higher chance of succeeding ought to roll. Mikami/Temiren: It matters not. Chiho? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I'll give it a try! Mikami/Temiren: Then go for it. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: (rolls dice) I got an eight. GM: You detect nothing in particular. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Nothing. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Nothing occurs, so it should be okay. I open the door. *CRREEEEAAAAAAAKKK GM: Inside you see what appears to be an ordinary room. There is a desk, there are some bookshelves, and you also see a bed. A portrait has been hung above the desk. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: This looks better than Otohime's room. Nakatsugi/Otohime: That's true. I just have a bed in my room. Mikami/Temiren: Are you going to search for traces of the Eris faith? Buri/Gilbert: I'll try a (Knowledge) roll. GM: All right then. You may try. Buri/Gilbert: (rolls dice) I got a 14. GM: There's nothing to do with Eris, but there is some material linked to the Demon King. It mentions that one of His devotees, the researcher called Frogger. Mikami/Temiren: Oh, the Demon King's army. Buri/Gilbert: That's the impression I had of him. GM: Yes. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: The Demon King has 108 demon commanders in His service. Or so it is said. GM: True. The Demon King's threat comes in many forms. Mikami/Temiren: Can you remember all their faces? Nakatsugi/Otohime: I think that'd be for the Axis Sect. Buri/Gilbert: The Axis believers are steadfast. Mikami/Temiren: "Strike Down the Demon King!", right? GM: In any case, you are sture you heard that name. But more to the point, you see a diary lying on the desk. It has "Absolutely Don't Read This" as the title. Mikami/Temiren: Let's read it! In Shoujo Manga, reading some elses diary is an important factor! Buri/Gilbert: I don't feel good about reading it, though . . . Nakatsugi/Otohime: Oh, you just happened to see what was in it. Mikami/Temiren: I can work with that. Oh, I just happened to drop the book and it just happened to fall open to this page. Let's see what it says. (says aloud what is written in a flat voice) Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: (flat voice) Oh no. The contents of the book were revealed to us accidentally. (lol) Nakatsugi/Otohime: By fickle chance, the content of his private life was revealed to us. GM: Behold! The daily doings of the person known as Frogger will be revealed! Everyone Else: Person? GM: Former person. He used to be a human being. He was once an unregistered adventurer. He happened to come across some sacred treasure that he then decided to steal. Mikami/Temiren: Sacred treasure? GM: It was some kind of wish-granting device. Frogger then wished to become a King. Buri/Gilbert: A King? GM: Yes, but the god misheard what he said. The god was hard of hearing. He then made Frogger the King of Frogs. Nakatsugi/Otohime: The King of Frogs? GM: Yes, the Frog King. TL Note: There's a pun here about 変える 【かえる】 (v1,vt) to change, to alter and è›™ 【かえる】 (n) frog, (P) that I can't render in English. Everyone else: (Groans, laughs) Buri/Gilbert: Oh, it's just a dang pun. Nakatsugi/Otohime: But it's more than a pun if he ends up being transformed as a result of it. GM's Notes: Although Frogger ended up looking rather stylish as the King of Frogs. Altered as he was, he could no longer exist in human society. Therefore he joined the Demon King's army. He did in fact become the King of Frogs, though. Nakatsugi/Otohime: So, can he really give orders to frogs? GM: Indeed he can. And he's been training the ones under his command. Educating them, if you will. He wants to leave his mark on the world. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Do you think he could replace the Demon King? GM: Hmmm . . . Nakatsugi/Otohime: So that's why the Giant Toad population drastially increased. It is a serious threat to the world. Buri/Gilbert: But then one of them brought Hanako the cow back here. Mikami/Temiren: I wonder if there's a way for us to turn Frogger back to normal. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Maybe he could be the Prince of Frogs instead. Mikami/Temiren: (thinking) No. GM: One of the first entries mentions how he wants to attack Axel's farm. The arrangement of things on the desk are proof that the guy was organized and carrying out operations as planned. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: This guy likes to carefully plan things out. Mikami/Temiren: This guy's certainly passionate. Prince, what are we going to do? Buri/Gilbert: Leave him to Temiren. That terrible person reading the diary. Mikami/Temiren: No, don't be merciful. Buri/Gilbert: Wait, you're okay with that? GM: You guys get along really well. Nakatsugi/Otohime: In any case, let's see what kind of preparations this guy has taken so far. GM: You see detailed notes on how he has raised and trained Giant Toads. He wants to turn them into army corps. This is all carefully described in the book. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I carefully make a copy of that. Nakatsugi/Otohime: So if we get through here we can make it to the dungeon? Buri/Gilbert: These are frog tests that we have to get through. That's why there were frog corpses at the Lake of Vinegar. Nakatsugi/Otohime: We passed the test, though. Mikami/Temiren: So does this mean the berries I got were prizes for a frog? Nakatsugi/Otohime: Yes, a reward for passing the test. Mikami/Temiren: But one of them could just grab the berries with GM: The one with that ingenuity and initiative would have been praised. Nakatsugi/Otohime: He really did think of everything. Mikami/Temiren: It's only appropriate to praise the one that passed the test. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Do you think there are more frog tests ahead? GM: (Ahem) You still haven't found Hanako the cow, nor have you een seen one Giant Toad egg. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I hope the cow is still okay. Mikami/Temiren: Is the bed's mattress slimy? GM: Yes. Mikami/Temiren: Yich! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Are there any parts where he condemns Aqua-sama? GM: Yes. [Leaving behind defective artifacts like these can only be the work of the Axis Sect. That's why those losers are inferior to the Church of Eris.] Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Wow, he really did go that far. Buri/Gilbert: (Furious) Apostate! Heretic! Nakatsugi/Otohime: That got Gilbert invested. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Gil's really excited now. Buri/Gilbert: I've got to get back those sacred relics for the Axis Sect! I plunge into the maze! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Whoa, I follow him. Mikami/Temiren: For the sake of the ranch hands! GM: Since you are following Gilbert into the next area, this scene ends. We are now entering the Climax Phase. Climax Phase Climax I : For this Wonderful Adventure GM's Notes: They finally made it to the room at the back of the cave. King Frogger is probably inside. They could hear the sound of a cow calling from within the room. Time to open the door and face the final battle! GM: It's now the Climax Phase. You go through the corridor and arrive at a door. You can hear the sound of the cow coming from inside. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: That's Hanako. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Hanako! We finally made it. Why did we go through all this trouble? What for? Mikami/Temiren: To finish the quest. O-kun, it's no good if you don't try your best. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I guess so. Buri/Gilbert: Anyway, let's open the door. Wham! GM: As you open the door, you behold a frog-like man seated on a throne. Mikami/Temiren: The King of Frogs! GM: On a large board made of metal is standing Hanako. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Hanako? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Don't tell me - there's a big vessel of water underneath the cow? GM: Yup (laughs). Nakatsugi/Otohime: Hanako is about to become shabu-shabu! GM: (As Frogger) [Welcome, adventurers. We have attained a new food culture.] Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Let me guess - the throne is made from pipes, right? (lol) GM: I thought it was going to turn out differently than this (lol). It is, but you see giant toad eggs being carried through them in some sort of solution. Each egg is about one meter wide. Everyone but the GM: Gross! GM: The King of Frogs turns to you and speaks. [It's a noisy crowd. You appear to be humans.] Buri/Gilbert: He seems really sensitive to noise. GM: [You are terrible for laying waste to my educational facilities.] He says as he slowly stands. Buri/Gilbert: Fine. Here we go. GM: [For what purpose do . . . ! Ah! Soldiers! To my side! Hurry!] and as he yells, two Giant Toads rush out of the darkness to aid him. TL Note: The King probably noticed that Gilbert is a priest of Aqua, which is a religion that opposes his side. Buri/Gilbert: These ones look like guards. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: They might say, [Please leave this matter to us, Frogger-sama.] GM: The croaking cries of the toads may in fact be saying that. Mikami/Temiren: He went to great lengths to educate these animals. Does he not have some elaborate decloration of war? GM: It seems that Gilbert made him lose his train of thought. Oh well, what was said in the diary will have to do. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Frogger does have things he wants to say. GM: [It's all right. Maybe we could talk at length about the Set Up Process.] Nakatsugi/Otohime: Oh, is that it? GM: Let's get started with the battle. Beginning of the Battle: Round 1
Strike RankCharacter
5Giant Toad A
5Giant Toad B
5Giant Toads A, B, and C
GM: Anyway, it's time for the battle to start. We used this setup before, but the PCs are all in one Engage, and 3 meters away from that are Giant Toads A and B. Another 5 meters away is Frogger. Buri/Gilbert: It looks like Frogger wants to interject. Mikami/Temiren: Hold on, don't Giant Toads go in the Mid-Phase? GM: [Ha ha ha! If you are swallowed, you can still try to escape! And for cooking, there is only boiling-] Setting that aside, if a Giant Toad tries to swallow you, you can still try to escape. Mikami/Temiren: That's educational. GM: [Yes! And humans are worth less than frogs!] Nakatsugi/Otohime: Frogger, you've completely lost your humanity! GM: [My perspective changed when I stopped being human. I've even become bored with the Demon King's army! I will create a nation for frogs!] Buri/Gilbert: A nation for frogs? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: [Yes! It's called Exciting Frog Land! And I shall build it!] is what he might say. GM: That's pretty good! [Yes, my country shall be named Exciting Frog Land!] Mikami/Temiren: That's cute. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Although it's a little unfair, as it robs him of the chance to be a threatening baddy (lol). GM: [There'll be a ferris wheel! A roller coaster! A merry-go-round! But the ones having fun will be frogs!] Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: That's kind of evil. GM: [How about that? Bet I sound more like an evil boss chara!] (laughs) Mikami/Temiren: Sure, I can see it. GM: Then let's get to Frogger's Skill declaration. He's going to use his Original Enemy Skill, [King of Frogs]. If he makes a [Knowledge] test to use this skill, the Giant Toads get a bonus to their attacks. (rolls dice) Good, he passed. This means the Giant Toads now get +1D6 to attack and +2D6 to their damage pools for this battle. Buri/Gilbert: Okay then, I'll use one of my Cheats, [Appeal of the Villain]. I raise my voice into a powerful shout and cause him to fumble. GM: [I- I am the King of Frogs! Waaah - you monster!] GM's notes: Gilbert, who was scary for a moment there, caused Frogger to lose his resolve. The glory and power he radiated with the Enemy Skill, [King of Frogs], was dispelled. Buri/Gilbert: Death to the Devil King! GM: [What's with this guy . . .?] Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Probably your natural enemy. Even if Frogger was freed from the yoke, he wasn't freed from his fear of scary faces. Nakatsugi/Otohime: He could still keep using [King of the Frogs] on subsequent turns though. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: True. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Even if it's not that much, I want to reduce the pool by 1D6. GM: Does anyone else have something they wish to do in the Setup Process? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: No. GM: Then we will proceed to Initiative Process. The person with the highest Strike Rank goes first, followed by the next highest, and so on. Buri/Gilbert: I go first. I fly like a bullet and punch Giant Toad A. (rolls dice). I got a 12 on my attack roll. GM: The Giant Toad will try to evade. He has to roll better than 9 with his dice pool to do so. (rolls dice) And it got a 6, so it does not evade. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Why don't you use a [Blessing] right now? Buri/Gilbert: I think I might. I have three left. (rolls dice) That's a bad roll. It only causes 10 points of damage. GM: It hops away. Booooing! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: And that was after using a [Blessing]! GM: Can't be helped as that was a bad roll. Next up are Frogger and Temiren. The PCs get priority. Temiren, if you please. Mikami/Temiren: Frogger! Don't you want to return to being human!? GM: [Wha? Return to being human? Being worked like a dog for little pay and living a poor life?] Mikami/Temiren: But that was just the path you chose. It's a given that if a frog turns into a person, almost all of them become really hot! (lol) GM: [But if I return to being human, I'll have to say goodbye to this lifestyle! Dang it!] (lol) Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: By the way, how did he look before he was altered? GM: His face was frog-like. Mikami/Temiren: I any case! I mean you'd become a hot guy in your heart! Nakatsugi/Otohime: A girl who calls that scary guy a prince always says strange things. GM:[What? Are you saying that you'd be willing to turn me back? Hmmm. Hmmm.] Mikami/Temiren: Uh . . . Buri/Gilbert: I ignore the conversation and continue yelling. The power of my strange yell continues to increase. Mikami/Temiren: I'm sorry, my prince is this kind of person . . . GM: So are you going to continue charging your voice? Mikami/Temiren: Looks like the conversation's over. I use [Destruction Magic]. I will use a Move Action to launch a [Magic Blast]. My Main Action will go to a [Freeze Gust]. I'll taget Giant Toads A and B! GM: The Giant Toads begin to freeze while you make a magical girl wink pose. Mikami/Temiren: I will use a [Blessing] to increase my pool for the magica attack. Now the pool is 4D6. (rolls dice) I got a 17. GM: They'll need double sixes on their rolls to avoid that. (rolls dice) Which neither of them got. Mikami/Temiren: And then I use two more [Blessing] charges. This is for damage. Now my [Destruction Magic] has a pool of 14D6. GM: 14D6!? Is that right? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: You confirmed the data yourself. (lol) GM: Oh. Yes. Yes I did. Mikami/Temiren: [It's time for you to see the power I got from my prince! My name is Temiren! I'm the daughter of the best hot springs manager in the Crimson Demon village! I respect and look up to shoujo manga! And I use freezing magic! [Freeze Gust!] (rolls dice) 50 points of damage! GM: They have two points of magic resistance. Mikami/Temiren: Did that cause them to hibernate? GM: The Giant Toads emit a strange cry. They appear as if they might be trying to sleep, but then they shatter into many pieces. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Bam! GM's notes: Temiren's freezing magic was used to dispatch other Giant Toads. Soon only Frogger remained. GM: As a result of your powerful magic the Giant Toads have been eliminated. Mikami/Temiren: Witness the power of the Crimson Demons. Anyway, that was five Giant Toads. I think that was enough to clear the quest requirements. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Okay, let's go home! We did what we set out to. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: No we haven't. Where is Hanako the cow? Nakatsugi/Otohime: Oh, that's right. GM: Time for Frogger's Main Process. [S-Stay away!] He uses his Enemy Skill [Centralization: Magic] to add 3D6 to the damage pool for his next attck. He will attack with [Muddy Water of the Frogs] which will hit you with a stream of water full of phlegm and mud. Mikami/Temiren: Is that used in beauty supplements? GM: He's going to target Gilbert. [I have to protect my life!] (rolls dice) The to-hit is a 16. Mikami/Temiren: If I use a [Blessing], he might be able to dodge. Buri/Gilbert: I'll use a [Blessing]. I will pray to Aqua and then dodge. In fact, I'll use two [Blessings]. My dodge pool is now 4D6 + 3. (rolls dice). Two of those were sixes! That's a critical success. GM: Frogger is shocked. But then the fog starts to clear . . . Nakatsugi/Otohime: G-Gil!? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I couldn't protect him. Buri/Gilbert: Feel the power of the Axis sect! GM's notes: In defiance of the stream of sludge, Gilbert charged forward. Frogger flinched and dropped away from the throne to avoid Gilbert's mace. Mikami/Temiren: [That's just like my prince!] is what I say with hearts in my eyes (lol). Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Gilbert's back is huge! Nakatsugi/Otohime: It doesn't feel like he'll lose. GM, is it my turn? GM: Yes. Otohime, it is your turn. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I use a Movement action to overtake Gil. (lol) GM: [Hey, are all of you like that!?] Nakatsugi/Otohime: All of us have received the blessed protection of Aqua-sama! And I attack. (rolls dice) I got a 12 to hit. GM: (rolls dice) I got a 9, which is not enough to dodge. Frogger is knocked over and is sprawled on the ground. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Nice. I'll use a [Blessing]. My attack pool is 4D6. (rolls dice) 19 points of damage! GM: He has Damage Resistance of 6, so he takes 13 points. Nakatsugi/Otohime: That worked better than I thought. [Hey Temiren! Aren't I shining right now?] Mikami/Temiren: Oh yes. You're so cool that I'm feeling really shy right now. Buri/Gilbert: That guy's trying to be cool even though he was devoured by a Giant Toad . . . Nakatsugi/Otohime: I- I succeeded on this journey! I might be able to make it with this team of companions. GM: Chiho is up next. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I use a Move Action and a Minor Action. This is all-out Move. My Major Action will be used for a normal attack. (rolls dice) 12. I don't suppose I can use a [Feint], can I? GM: (rolls dice) The evade attempt was successful. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Oh I missed. But that's okay. I didn't get called 'cool'. (lol) GM: [You think you can strike me? You swing and miss with those swords. Humans are inherently weak compared to frogs.] Mikami/Temiren: Suzuki got better though. GM: [You think you can defeat these just because one human got better? Can you just walk in the rain even while getting soaked?] Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Uh, yeah. GM: [Really?] (lol) Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: She's a little hot-tempered but Suzuki is very healthy now! GM: [Aren't you being deceived?] (lol) Buri/Gilbert: What are you saying? This is the power of faith! GM: [I-is that right?] And by the way, since everyone else acted, Frogger gets to take his second action. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Like a boss! GM: [Since you thought you could oppose me with that level of power, I suppose I should recognize your bravery.] Mikami/Temiren: Is he going to dismiss the frogs already on the battlefield? GM:[I'm different from the others! Now you will witness the power of the Frog King!] Frogger takes a Move Action to activate an Enemy Skill: [Range Change]. He waves his magic wand. Within the space selected, tadpoles will sprout tails and begin spewing mucous. Chiho and Otohime are going to be targeted. Mikami/Temiren: Chiho, Oh-kun, Run! GM: (rolls dice) His to-hit is a 16. GM's notes: Both attempted to evade, but both could not beat Frogger's to-hit roll. They were hit. GM: And Frogger's [Magic Concentration] trait means that the dice pool for this attack is increased by 2D6. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Chiho uses [Covering]. [Chiho!] Mikami/Temiren: That cliche came back even during this disaster. Nakatsugi/Otohime: It's the same as taht time. But it's different now, because this time ... Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Yes? Nakatsugi/Otohime: Because you have a saucepan? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: And maybe we should put the Frog King in a saucepan with boiling water. Nakatsugi/Otohime: That'd be one way to get him to the next world. GM: (rolls dice) You might have lost in spirit. Your eyes are cloudy. You take 32 points of damage. Nakatsugi/Otohime: With Magic Resistance worth 7 points that reduces it to 25 points. Don't die. Though it'd be nice if something could reduce that by another 9 points. Buri/Gilbert: Would a [Saint Shield] be good right now? Nakatsugi/Otohime: No, this is time for a Cheat. [Return to Life] is just the thing to use! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I drop the saucepan together with Suzuki. Buri/Gilbert: Oh, were you guys hiding in that thing? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Yes, but Suzuki is all right. Buri/Gilbert: You were okay? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Yes, but move Otohime out of the way. Buri/Gilbert: That serious, overly careful guy ended up dying for a a buddy (uses handkerchief to wipe tears). Nakatsugi/Otohime: Hey, I'm not dead. Everyone else: Whuuuoaaah! Nakatsugi/Otohime: (thoughts) I don't want to die. When I met the goddess Aqua, I received the power of (Resurrection) from her as my gift. Nakatsugi/Otohime: When I get trounced, I come back! This is the divine protection of Aqua! Your prayers were answered! (lol) Buri/Gilbert: You finally started talking like a priest! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: The prayer to Aqua was answered! Mikami/Temiren: After I was invited by Prince, the group became like an Aqua religion group. Now I understand too! Everyone: Aqua-samaaaaa! Buri/Gilbert: The three of you will live again after accepting Aqua's baptism. (lol) GM: [I-is this the power of Aqua1?] Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: We are the Axis sect. Mikami/Temiren: For this wonderful world! Nakatsugi/Otohime: Blessings! Everyone: Yay! Well done! (applause) Buri/Gilbert: I hope we don't fumble in the next round. (lol) GM: Speaking of which, it's time for the next round. Continuing the Battle: Round 2
Strike RankCharacter
GM: The second round has begun. We will do the Setup Process. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Nothing big here. GM: Frogger uses the [Summon] Skill and throws a chemical at one of the tadpoles. It immediately transforms into another Giant Toad to answer the summons. This is Giant Toad C. [Axis sect! You will meet your end inside the belly of this Giant Toad!] (lol) Mikami/Temiren: That's possible! Nakatsugi/Otohime: Heretic! Blasphemer! Mikami/Temiren: The touch of Aqua will melt these frogs! Buri/Gilbert: And that's when Aqua was Swallowed by one. (lol) Mikami/Temiren: Afterward she was bawling. (lol) GM: You can experience that in the original work. The Setup Process is complete. Buri/Gilbert: Time for my Main Process. Should I go with a [Blessing] or a [Heal]? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I think a [Heal] this turn would be good. Buri/Gilbert: Copy that. I'll target these three honorable followers of the Axis sect. (rolls dice) Okay, that's a big success! [Blessings upon these brave heroes!] Everyone else: Whoooaa! Buri/Gilbert: (rolls dice) And you get back 16 Hit Points! Nakatsugi/Otohime: I'm at full Life! GM: Everyone reading this replay is going to think the Axis sect is really amazing! (lol) Buri/Gilbert: It's okay! If they read that and then see the original work, it's fine! Mikami/Temiren: I'm up next. I'm targeting Frogger and the Giant Toad with a [Freeze Gust] magic attack. (rolls dice) I got a 20 for my to-hit. GM: Frogger will try to dodge. (rolls dice) He got a 4, so he does not. The Giant Toad will also try to evade. (rolls dice) And with an 8, he also fails to evade. Mikami/Temiren: (rolls dice) Okay, here we go. 22 points of damage. [Everyone come back to life!] GM: Giant Toad C takes 20 points of damage. Frogger takes 18 points of damage. Mikami/Temiren: Frogger's up next. GM: Frogger is not happy with Chiho and Otohime, who are in his Engage. He releases a powerful blast. (rolls dice) His to-hit is a 13. If this causes damage, you'll receive the [Dazed] debuff. Nakatsugi/Otohime: (rolls dice) I got an 8. I do not dodge. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I spend two points of [Blessing] to help my dodge roll. (rolls dice) I got a 14 so I evade the the attack. Whoosh! GM: (rolls dice) The blast caauses 22 points of magic damage. Buri/Gilbert: I got this. Time for a [Saint Shield]. (rolls dice) I reduce that by 10 points. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Five points still get through. I'm down to 11 Hit Points. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Should have gone with a (Heal). Nakatsugi/Otohime: It's my turn now. What should I do? Mikami/Temiren: The Giant Toad has 37 Life Points so attacking it is useless. I think you should target Frogger. Nakatsugi/Otohime: All right, I'll aim at Frogger. (rolls dice) I got an 18 to-hit. GM: (as Frogger) [I see through your attack! Come on!] (rolls dice) He got a 14 which loses to your 18. [I said I see through it, but I didn't say I'd dodge it!] Nakatsugi/Otohime: Then you didn't see through it (lol) Buri/Gilbert: It's a shame this funny guy is evil. If he'd been with the Axis sect we might have been friends. GM: [You have a scary face. Not happening.] (lol) Buri/Gilbert: Dang youuuuuuuuu! (lol) GM: Please roll for damage. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Adding in two charges of (Blessing). (Rolls dice) 22 points! GM: He takes 16 points of damge. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Okay, if you use (Blessing), you can inflict plenty of damage even to high defense characters like this one. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Who are you talking to? GM: It's Giant Toad C's turn. Frogger uses his Special Ability to control Giant Toad C. [I'll stop all that fancy movement of yours.] By using a Move Action, he compels the Giant Toad to use its [Devour] special attack. The attack will hit Chiho and the to-hit roll is (rolls dice) ... 10. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I hope I can dodge that. Nakatsugi/Otohime: You should be able to dodge it. But if you can't, it'll be my time to shine (lol). Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Okay. (rolls dice) Well, I failed to dodge it, so it's Otohime's time to shine. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I use my [Covering] action! GM: Rolling for damage . . . 22 points. Nakatsugi/Otohime: 16 of which is blocked, leaving 6 points. If the (Saint Shield) blocks 6 points . . . Buri/Gilbert: Yes, it's something to worry over Nakatsugi/Otohime: Why are you worrying? I'm part of the Axis sect too! (lol) Buri/Gilbert: I was trying to decide whether or not to save magic points for healing later. Of course help will come from Axis. Saint Shield! (rolls dice) and it blocks 6 points.
Nakatsugi/Otohime: Perfect! That allows my [Covering] to work perfectly! I stop the hit. [This is team play. I won't let the frogs take you. ] GM: Unexpected, given how things were so messed up a moment ago. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: It's Suzuki's action now. She uses a Move Action for her [Iaido] Skill. She'll use a [Feint] for her Minor Action. And her Main Action will be used to attack Frogger. GM: [Hey! No matter what kind of attack you send my way, unless you hit me with six successes, I can dodge it!] Mikami/Temiren: But the effect of [Feint] causes him to lose 1D6 from his dice pool. (lol) GM: [ . . . Did you hit me with six successes? Did you?] Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: (rolls dice) I got a 16. GM: [You've got a great sword attached to a chain, there's no way you can hit anything with iiiiiittt!] he brags while posing. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I spend three points of [Blessing]. (rolls big dice pool) 46 points of damage. GM: Frogger attempts to catch your sword blade between his hands, but he loses his footing and ends up eating your attack. Buri/Gilbert: All of a sudden, releasing all that mucous seems like it wasn't a good idea after all. GM's Notes: Blessed with strength and vitality, Chiho's great sword strike hit Frogger with full force. Frogger had tried to catch the sword with his hands but slipped on the mucous from his frog farm. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Is this Aqua-sama's power? Mikami/Temiren: Yes! Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: This isn't the power of a human being! It's the power of the Axis Sect! GM: [N-no! I don't recognize the Axis Sect! As if I ever cou-] and then Frogger collapses. Mikami/Temiren: What about Giant Toad C? GM: With the commander taken out, he seems confused. Without the magical compuslion, he will probably leave of his own accord. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Now, let's get back to the farm. GM's Notes: They did need to pay back some favors. But that is a story for another day. GM: The battle is over. You are soon able to locate Hanako. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I release the cow from the restraints. GM: [Thank you, humans. You have protected the peace of the surface world.] is what the cow seems to say with its eyes. Mikami/Temiren: I'm glad you are okay, Hanako. GM: We need to see what treasure and loot gets Dropped. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: I have one level of Blessing left. Buri/Gilbert: I have one also. Mikami/Temiren: I used all of mine. GM's Notes: We rolled for Dropped Treasure and got these results. Good Quality Frog Meat Rubies (x5) Frog Mucous (x3) Mikami/Temiren: Prince, I got us some good quality meat once again! Buri/Gilbert: Ah, bounties and kindness from Aqua-sama. Nakatsugi/Otohime: I wasn't able to do anything with four dice! Buri/Gilbert: Fret not. Otohime has the [Return from Death] special gift from the Axis Sect. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Yes, but I burned through all my levels of [Blessing]. GM: With Frogger defeated, you take the cow back to the farm. It is saying "moo" while you lead it along. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Our fight was a tough one this time. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Yes, but we got something we couldn't obtained with money. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: What is that? Nakatsugi/Otohime: Teamwork. Buri/Gilbert: Oooh. GM: With teamwork burned into your heart, you take the cow back to the farm. This concludes the Climax Phase. Ending Phase Ending I : For this Wonderful Banquet GM's Notes: The group worked together to thwart the goals of King Frogger. The group left, and took Hinako the cow with them, who was still alive. They delivered the cow to the client, Bo Kujo, at his farm. And now, the after-action report from the group. GM: Well, it's time for the Ending Phase. You brought the cow back to the farm. Mikami/Temiren: We got two packs of high-quality frog meat. Can't wait to tear into that. Buri/Gilbert: Indeed. GM: Bo-san, your client, seems very happy. [Hanako! You brought her back! This cow is really smart!] Nakatsugi/Otohime: She is bright. GM: After that, you need return to the Adventurer's Guild to report your success and claim your due reward. The Guild is in the city of Axel so you after saying goodbye to Bo Kujo, you return to Axel. The Guild is, as usual, full of different adventurers. The clerk at the reception desk is gleaming with a smile when you walk up to it. GM: (as clerk) [How did it go?] Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: We completed the quest! GM: [It seems the adventure was a success. Accepting report of the situation. In addition to the 1OO KiloEris, based on your success recovering the cow of of the farmer, you will receive an additional reward. Your sum comes to 19O KiloEris.] Everyone: Yay! Nakatsugi/Otohime: We got a lot of extra money for rescuing Hanako. Maybe she's really valuable, like a prize cow. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Maybe she's special, like a wagyuu cow. GM's Notes: The possibility of an additional reward was specified in the setting information. The player characters received the money. Buri/Gilbert: So this is our reward. Might we be eligible to claim something else? Apparently Frogger stole some of their relics, and he was also a lieutenant of the Demon King. Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Wait, is that part of the story? Buri/Gilbert: . . . It'll be in the report I submit. GM: (as Clerk) [A lieutenant? ] She begins flipping through documents and books, looking for any mention of him. She doesn't appear to find any. [I didn't see him in any of these records, but from your description it wouldn't be unusual for someone like him to be in them.] Everyone: Will there be more? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: It's unfortunate, but the record might focus on idividuals other than Frogger. He wasn't of sound mind, and he fell into despair when he was frogified. He became something abhorrent to himself. GM: [What is that?] Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Piety. (lol) GM's Notes: The cute clerk did not seem to understand. GM: She does a little laugh to be polite, but looks away from you. Nakatsugi/Otohime: Ah, that kind of treatment . . . (lol) Mikami/Temiren: We got through all of this as a result of our deep faith. Nakatsugi/Otohime: That's right! With wonderful blessings! GM: (as Clerk) [Okay . . . I'll take custody of the relics you recovered. I'll make sure the holy temple gets them back.] Buri/Gilbert: Thanks. I'll be counting on you. Mikami/Temiren: Okay, the quest is over and done with. Who's for drinks? Akatsugi/Kiba/Chiho: Let's go! Suzuki calls out [We're done!] and goes out for the kind of banquet party she used to look up to. Mikami/Temiren: We head on over to a tavern and order frosty tankards of ale. Buri/Gilbert: As a priest of the goddess of banquets, I need to liven up the event. Bounties of nature! GM: That's the goddess Aqua's special move. For that, do you need to roll against your [Banquet Skill]? Buri/Gilbert: That's right. It's amazing. I can't do that spontaneously without a [Skill] the way Aqua-sama can. Nakatsugi/Otohime: (looks at the character sheet) I don't have the skill. Buri/Gilbert: Perhaps the party will decide. Nakatsugi/Otohime: As in the banquet? Is that wise? Buri/Gilbert: It is true to my faith. Mikami/Temiren: Anyway, let's go to the tavern. GM's Notes: After settling things at the Adventurer's Guild. the group headed for a tavern located in the pleasure quarters of the city. They renewed their spirits as they loudly consumed frothy tankards of ale. This world was wonderful. And surely, there are more blessings. GM: With that, the scenario is concluded. Thank you for all your hard work. Everyone: Yay! Thank you, everybody (applause)! Konosuba TRPG: [Good Luck to this First Adventure] -FIN-
====================================== After Play After the Ending is over, the GM declares that the game has concluded. The next section to proceed to is After Play. Here is where the parts of After Play are detailed. Lifestyle Payment PCs who agreed to preplay need to make their Lifestyle Support Payment. They play the agreed-upon amount to settle their bills. If they can't settle their bills, any XP they get from the adventure is halved. Experience Point Distribution Check to make sure the players stayed until the end of the session. They don't get the XP bonus for playing the full game if they left partway. With that stated, they can still receive some XP in some of the other sections here. â–¼ Stayed and Participated Until the Session's End: +1 XP This doesn't factor in if the PC died during play, but if they stayed until the end of the session they receive +1 experience point. â–¼ They Successfully Completed Their Quest (GM's Discretion) If the GM decides that they successfully completed a Quest (see page 216), XP reward points are added to their XP pool. One rough estimate you can use is to look at the enemies the PCs fought during the Climax Phase and award an amount of XP equal the highest enemy level of the enemies in that battle. (TL Note: if they fought two Lv.2 bad guys and one Lv.3 boss in the Climax Phase, they get 3 XP). â–¼ Encountered Enemies Add up the Levels of the encountered enemies and then divide that figure by the number of PCs. That is how many are added to the XP award pool. Whether they were defeated in battle is not important. â–¼ Encountered Traps Add up the Levels of the encountered traps and then divide that figure by the number of PCs. That's how many XP are added to the experience award pool. Whether they were able to deactivate the traps does not matter. â–¼ Excellent Roleplaying: +1 XP The GM should look back on the session and determine if the character roleplayed well. Anyone who roleplayed well in the session gets +1 XP. Player Characters who helped other PCs through their words and deeds get +1 XP. The Player who cooperated with the GM especially well gets +1 XP. The other players can nominate a person to get the award. Players who helped make it possible for a game session to happen (arranging schedules, finding a space to play, etc.) get +1 XP. Players can also recommend other Players for this part of the After Play award section. -------------------------------- Player Confirmation Assuming their PCs did not die, at the end of the session any damage they took is removed and their HP and MP are fully restored. Any Bad Status effects they have are also cancelled. They do not carry those over into the following session. They also regain the expended levels of Blessing at the start of the next session. Players can talk to the GM about using their stored XP pool to improve their characters. Notes: Komekko-san kindly translated the main rules for the game. They are available here: Konosuba TRPG rules . Komekko-san also translated the various character sheets and I have compiled his or her sheets in this pdf here. I will be translating the remaining sections of the book. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

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