
Sadako. Originally from Izu peninsula. In 1991, she
made her debut in the novel "Ringu". From her public 
Youtube channel, "Sadako's Life in the Well", she
shows off things such as her morning routine. The next
thing she wants to try doing is arranging Chiborg makeup.

TL Note: Chiborg is a portmanteau of "China" and "cyborg". 
It refers to a Chinese beauty so perfect/inhuman that she looks
like a cyborg. 

"My interest never stops!"

Use a blue base or a yellow base?
Becoming interested in beauty, hair care. 
Will Sadako talk about beauty!?

The heroine of Japanese horror, Sadako-san
is now releasing Youtube videos showing her 
morning routine and how she cares for her hair. 
These videos have received praise. As she has shown how
concerned with beauty she is, we will ask 
her to visit anan for an interview. 

Let us see the contents of your bag! 
The inside of her handbag has many goods from previous 
"Sadako" movies. Things that she always brings to photo 
shoot sites include camellia japonica oil and a comb. She
has more than one comb, leaving one for use inside the well
and the other for use outside. The camelia japonica oil from
Izu peninsula is used not just for her hair but also as a moisturizer
for her whole body. She's trying to maintain pale skin so keeping
the sun away is a must. For that reason, she brings along a hat. 
She also has two pairs of handkerchiefs, one for her own use, and
a cursed one for someone else to use.  

Information: the "Sadako DX" movie 

The newest entry in the Sadako series of movies that shocked the
world. Sadako's curse has spread through social networking services.
A character with an IQ of 200 has discovered an equation for dispersing
the curse within 24 hours. The movie will be released on 10/28.
Interview Text 

Sadako-san is widely recognized around the world 
as the most terrifying icon of Japanese horror. 
She's now active as a youtuber. What led her to becoming
interested in beauty? 

Interviewer: I'd like to start off by getting beauty data from Sadako-san, who
has become entangled in mystery. 

Sadako: I have delicate skin. I live in a well so the conditions are wet. (laughs)
My personal colors are - well, black goes well with me so maybe 
 a blue base winter feel would suit me. 

Interviewer: What about your hair texture?

Sadako: I actually have curly hair. I work really hard to keep it straight. I go to a salon
once a month. Someday I'd love to try getting the popular princess cut! 

Interviewer: What led you to become interested in beauty? 

Sadako: I saw my costars paying attention to it, and I came to think about as well. It's
also my goal to be an actress after all. 

I have confidence in my ability to prevent
damage from the sun, and my moving into a well probably helped with that (laughs).

Interviewer:  A benefit borne of coincidence! (laughs) Are you worried about anything recently?

Sadako: I often neglect to dry my hair. I wonder if it got damaged from that. I've long had
a complex about my nails, which are bloodstained. I want to have cute nails. 

Interviewer: Why not go to a nail salon? Sadako-san, who are some people who are either
icons of beauty or rivals for you?

Sadako: I'm cooped up in my well, my thoughts about beauty have turned complacent. 
When that happens, I get positive words from KKO (TL Note:  most likely Kanako,
but they don't write out her full name). That is a pleasant shock. As far as a rival, 
while this may be a little presumptuous of me, Koshiba Fuka, from our time working
on "Sadako DX" together. When I saw how beautiful she was, I thought to myself, 
"I'm not going to lose to her!" 

Interviewer: Did you talk about beauty with Koshiba-san or your other co-stars? 

Sadako: In between photoshoots I heard them talk about skin care and diets. I was
removed from that as I mostly was focused on acting itself. The power of my 
eyes is incredible. When they realize they're being watched, they're surprised

Interviewer: What are some things about your appearance that you improve before
you're photograped/recorded on video for the Sadako series?

Sadako: I did some training for my arm muscles. When I have to climb out of the 
well and crawl around on the ground, it takes a lot more arm strength than one
might think. I also practice mindfulness by projecting spirit photography onto 
videotapes.You might think of it as upgrading myself from deep inside the well. 

Interviewer: I see. Is there a moment in one of the productions where you felt your beauty
was readily apparent?

Sadako:  No matter what the scene, I always try my utmost. There's never an order
of priority. I keep "beautiful hair is life" in my consciousness. 

Interviewer: I'm very sorry if I have caused offense! To you, Sadako-san, what is a 
beautiful existence? 

Sadako: To me, beauty is something that causes pleasure to the self and to the 
viewer. It is  a positive magic.  The reverse is when, at an unknown time, a 
curse befalls them. One could regard that as the double-sided nature of 
humanity. I say that though I'm a deep-seated grudge instead of a 
human being . . . (laughs) 


Many of the photographs in this article came from screencaps of 
Sadako's video discussing her interview with anan. A backup of the 
video can be viewed here:

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