========================================================================== LOVECRAFTIAN ADJECTIVE CHART Beings not unlike what Lovecraft, Smith, Derleth, and other Cthulhu Cycle writers sometimes appear in the Nasuverse. From ArcherXRin's PDF version of Fate/Zero, vol 1, page 122: "The boy was leaving the stairs behind him, facing the entranceway. From the second floor, invisible from the living room, something suddenly fell down in an avalanche upon the young boy. A bundle of heavy ropes - no, a flock of countless snakes -- an indescribable life form, or rather, a living creature twined around the boy's whole body, and with an otherworldly force, took away the young body up to the second floor. Then, with a soul-rending scream. The clicking tongues of an infinite number of creatures, and the echo of small bones crushed. The rashness of whatever was happening on the upper floor easily stimulated imagination even without witnessing it." To assist Storytellers attempting to evoke cosmic horror, I have assembled the following table. This text comes from the 4th edition of Call of Cthulhu by Sandy Petersen et al. Many of these adjectives were used by Lovecraft and other authors in their writings. If you are trying to describe an otherworldly or supernal being, these can be very useful. You might need 1D2+2 adjectives to describe the _thing_ confronting the player characters. Note that these descriptions go beyond the mundane - obscene does not denote the merely pornographic; it means things that are unclean and unwholesome to any rational universe. Roll D66 11 Roll 1D10: 1 Aberrant, 2 Abominable, 3 Absurd, 4 Abysmal, 5 Acidic, 6 Adhesive, 7 Airy, 8 Alien, 9 Ambiguous, 10 Anarchic 12 Roll 1D10: 1 Amorphous, 2 Ancient, 3 Angular, 4 Animated, 5 Animalistic, 6 Anomalous, 7 Antediluvian, 8 Appalling, 9 Appendaged, 10 Ashen 13 Roll 1D10: 1 Askew, 2 Astounding, 3 Atrocious, 4 Awry, 5 Baboon-like, 6 Baleful, 7 Baneful, 8 Bankrupt, 9 Barbarous, 10 Beastly 14 Roll 1D10: 1 Bellowing, 2 Bilious, 3 Blasphemous, 4 Bleating, 5 Bloated, 6 Bloodshot, 7 Blubbery, 8 Boiling, 9 Brutish, 10 Bug-eyed 15 Roll 1D10: 1 Bulbous, 2 Cancerous, 3 Cackling, 4 Cadaverous, 5 Cellular, 6 Changeable, 7 Chattering, 8 Coarse, 9 Colossal, 10 Colorless 16 Roll 1D10: 1 Chaotic, 2 Confusing, 3 Congealed, 4 Conical, 5 Corpulent, 6 Convoluted, 7 Corpse-like, 8 Corrupt, 9 Creamy, 10 Criminal 21 Roll 1D10: 1 Croaking, 2 Crystalline, 3 Cylindrical, 4 Dank, 5 Dark, 6 Dazzling, 7 Deafening, 8 Deathless, 9 Debased, 10 Debauched 22 Roll 1D10: 1 Delirious, 2 Decomposing, 3 Deformed, 4 Degenerate, 5 Degraded, 6 Delirious, 7 Depraved, 8 Deranged, 9 Detestable, 10 Deviant 23 Roll 1D10: 1 Diabolical, 2 Diffuse, 3 Dire, 4 Discordant, 5 Diseased, 6 Disfigured, 7 Disgusting, 8 Dislocated, 9 Disordered, 10 Dissolved 24 Roll 1D10: 1 Distorted, 2 Dreadful, 3 Dripping, 4 Effervescent, 5 Effusive, 6 Elastic, 7 Endless, 8 Enlarged, 9 Enormous, 10 Eveloping 25 Roll 1D10: 1 Evasive, 2 Exaggerated, 3 Excruciating, 4 Extended, 5 Fabulous, 6 Faceless, 7 Fantastic, 8 Fearful, 9 Fecund, 10 Festering 26 Roll 1D10: 1 Fetid, 2 Fibrous, 3 Flowing, 4 Fiendish, 5 Fiery, 6 Filthy, 7 Fish-like, 8 Flabby, 9 Fluctuating, 10 Fluid 31 Roll 1D12: 1 Foaming, 2 Foul, 3 Fractured, 4 Fragrant, 5 Frantic, 6 Furious, 7 Fungous, 8 Gangrenous, 9 Ghastly, 10 Gigantic, 11 Roiling, 12 Scabrous 32 Roll 1D12: 1 Gargantuan, 2 Gibbering, 3 Globular, 4 Gnashing, 5 Glutinous, 6 Gory, 7 Grasping, 8 Grayish, 9 Greenish, 10 Grim, 11 Pulsating, 12 Recrudescent 33 Roll 1D12: 1 Grisly, 2 Gross, 3 Gushing, 4 Hairy, 5 Hapless, 6 Hallucinatory, 7 Hateful, 8 Hazy, 9 Heaving, 10 Hellish, 11 Prognathous, 12 Pestilent 34 Roll 1D12: 1 Hideous, 2 Hissing, 3 Horned, 4 Horrible, 5 Howling, 6 Huge, 7 Hybrid, 8 Ichorous, 9 Idiotic, 10 Illogical, 11 Necrotic, 12 Nightmarish 35 Roll 1D12: 1 Immaterial, 2 Immoral, 3 Immense, 4 Incoherent, 5 Incomplete, 6 Incongruous, 7 Incredible, 8 Indistinct, 9 Infected, 10 Inhuman, 11 Malformed, 12 Melancholic 36 Roll 1D12: 1 Insane, 2 Insipid, 3 Irrational, 4 Irregular, 5 Iridescent, 6 Jabbering, 7 Jaded, 8 Jangling, 9 Jaundiced, 10 Jellfied, 11 Insidious, 12 Invidious 41 Roll 1D12: 1 Jumbled, 2 Jutting, 3 Limp, 4 Leprous, 5 Liquefied, 6 Loathsome, 7 Luminescent, 8 Lumbering, 9 Lumpy, 10 Lunatic, 11 Hunched, 12 Insatiable 42 Roll 1D12: 1 Lurking, 2 Mad, 3 Maggoty, 4 Malevolent, 5 Malicious, 6 Malignant, 7 Massive, 8 Membranous, 9 Menacing, 10 Mesmerizing, 11 Horrific, 12 Horrifying 43 Roll 1D12: 1 Monumental, 2 Morbid, 3 Monstrous, 4 Molten, 5 Mortifying, 6 Mottled, 7 Mouldering, 8 Mucky, 9 Mucous, 10 Murmuring, 11 Grotesque, 12 Herpetiform 44 Roll 1D12: 1 Mutilated, 2 Nagging, 3 Nameless, 4 Nauseous, 5 Nearsighted, 6 Nebulous, 7 Necromantic, 8 Noiseless, 9 Nonsensical, 10 Noxious, 11 Gaunt, 12 Ghoulish 45 Roll 1D12: 1 Numbing, 2 Obscene, 3 Obsequious, 4 Octopoid, 5 Odious, 6 Odorous, 7 Oily, 8 Ominous, 9 Oozing, 10 Octopoid, 11 Emaciated, 12 Flailing 46 Roll 1D12: 1 Oily, 2 Ominous, 3 Organic, 4 Outlandish, 5 Oval, 6 Overgrown, 7 Overripe, 8 Quavering, 9 Queasy, 10 Quiescent, 11 Elephantine, 12 Elongated 51 Roll 1D12: 1 Quivering, 2 Pagan, 3 Pale, 4 Pallid, 5 Palpitating, 6 Palsied, 7 Parasitic, 8 Pasty, 9 Peculiar, 10 Perfidious, 11 Devilish, 12 Effulgent 52 Roll 1D12: 1 Perverse, 2 Phlegmatic, 3 Pitiless, 4 Plastic, 5 Pliable, 6 Poisonous, 7 Porous, 8 Pregnant, 9 Prodigious, 10 Profane, 11 Cyclopean, 12 Demonic 53 Roll 1D12: 1 Profuse, 2 Pronged, 3 Protoplasmic, 4 Protuberant, 5 Prurient, 6 Pseudopodial, 7 Puckered, 8 Pudding-like, 9 Pulsating, 10 Pustular, 11 Crustacean, 12 Cunning 54 Roll 1D12: 1 Putrid, 2 Radiant, 3 Rainbowed, 4 Rectangular, 5 Reeking, 6 Remorseless, 7 Repellent, 8 Reprehensible, 9 Reptilian, 10 Repugnant, 11 Cthonic, 12 Clawed 55 Roll 1D12: 1 Repulsive, 2 Resplendant, 3 Restless, 4 Rheumy, 5 Rigid, 6 Rough, 7 Rubbery, 8 Rugose, 9 Sacreligious, 10 Sallow, 11 Immemorial, 12 Chitinous 56 Roll 1D12: 1 Sanguine, 2 Scabby, 3 Scaly, 4 Screaming, 5 Scummy, 6 Seething, 7 Senseless, 8 Sepulchral, 9 Shadowy, 10 Shiny, 11 Cacaphonous, 12 Chelonian 61 Roll 1D12: 1 Shrieking, 2 Shuffling, 3 Sickly, 4 Sightless, 5 Sinewy, 6 Singular, 7 Skeletal, 8 Sleepless, 9 Slimy, 10 Slippery, 11 Anthropophagous, 12 Aquatic 62 Roll 1D12: 1 Slobbering, 2 Sluggish, 3 Solemn, 4 Sordid, 5 Soundless, 6 Spectral, 7 Spherical, 8 Sponge-like, 9 Stagnant, 10 Sticky, 11 Acrocephalic, 12 Amoebic 63 Roll 1D12: 1 Stupefying, 2 Sulphurous, 3 Stupendous, 4 Syrupy, 5 Teeming, 6 Tentacled, 7 Terrible, 8 Thickening, 9 Thrashing, 10 Throbbing, 11 Zymotic, 12 Wretched 64 Roll 1D12: 1 Transformed, 2 Transparent, 3 Tubular, 5 Tumultuous, 6 Turbid, 7 Turbulent, 8 Ugly, 9 Ultimate, 10 Unclean, 11 Wormy, 12 Withered 65 Roll 1D20: 1 Uncouth, 2 Unripe, 3 Unseen, 4 Unspeakable, 5 Unutterable, 6 Vague, 7 Vaporous, 8 Vast, 9 Vibrating, 10 Vile, 11 Writhing, 12 Worm-eaten 13 Unnatural, 14 Toothy, 15 Squamous, 15 Scintillating, 16 Scabrous, 17 Non-Euclidean, 18 Nictating, 19 Molting, 20 Awful 66 Roll 1D20: 1 Viperous, 2 Viscous, 3 Vigid, 4 Voluminous, 5 Vomiting, 6 Wailing, 7 Wan, 8 Warped, 9 Waxen, 10 Webbed, 11 Yammering, 12 Zodiacal 13 Xhanthous, 14 Yonic, 15 Vestigial, 16 Vermillion, 17 Unnatural, 18 Unholy, 19 Unhallowed, 20 Incommensurate